Spring Green Gold SK!

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      OMG. Unbelievable. I am in love.


      I’m still staring. She’s gorgeous. I wonder if she’ll go for more than the red gold?


        She is pretty! 😀


          Awesome piece!


          *comes in from gawking at the pictures*

          As someone whose favourite colour is bright green…



            She is very pretty, but I like the red gold color better. Did you get a look at those eyes?! I would love to see those on other dragons as well. This would be a great color to go along with collection of the old green dragons someone might have. Wonderful work!


              I hope they put more up of both this one and the red gold because come july when I have money I want both… I wondering if the will do like a blue silver… I like those colours..


                If theft wanst against the law… I think it will go for around the same price as the red gold.


                OMG, this one and the Autumn one come in a tie and I Love the eyes on this one.


                  I hadn’t looked that closely at the eyes but those are amazing!


                  That is beautiful.

                  I could never afford one at auction, so I’m anticipating the production piece.


                    SilverArrow wrote:

                    Did you get a look at those eyes?! I would love to see those on other dragons as well. This would be a great color to go along with collection of the old green dragons someone might have. Wonderful work!

                    Actually I was curious about this too and asked Melody about it. Why weren’t they using these cool eyes on the other Windstones, I wondered?

                    The simple answer is that they look terrible! I know this defies reason, but I’ll explain.

                    These are their regular glass eyes with a coating on the back. This looks awesome on the large superhuge eyes of the secret keeper, but as the eyes physically decrease in size, there is more of a curvature to the backs. The other dragons use eyes that are significantly smaller than the secret keeper’s. They pick up and reflect so much light around the ‘pupil’ that you get a really ugly “red eye effect”, like looking at a cat with a flashlight in the dark. This might seem cool but it’s really ugly and looks like they’ve got cataracts or something. Melody hates them in the smaller sizes, like undead fish eyes.


                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    *carts bucket of drool outside*

                    In a Janice voice: OH MY GOD!

                    I thought the red one was amazing but since my favorite color is green this one is beyond amazing. I thought my eyes were going to fall out.

                    The eyes are great! It’s too bad they don’t work with the smaller dragons but I can see what Melody told Nam. (and thanks for the info, Nam!)

                    Hmmmm….what can I sell, what can I sell? Anyone want a Subaru Forrester? Wait, no, I need that to get to work. Hmmmm….too bad I haven’t reproduced – I would consider selling my first born. Goes off to ponder…

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