Actually I like the one pictured. It reminds me of the conch shells my Gramma had. The inside of the lip, where the peachy color blends to soft pinks. I sorta like him too, but I have got to stop at the Lap. I DON’T HAVE ROOM!!!! 😯 😆
I know I’m a late on the pink OW discussion, I just saw him, and all I can say is… YIKES 😯 ! It just seems sooo wrorng! Another sculpt I think that would be hard to do in pink would be the Male dragon. That and the OW sculpts always seemed absolutely masculine to me. Tne other dragon sculpts seem to be more flexible with thier gender 😆 .
Not only is it the room issue…I don’t have the money either! 😆 (So, don’t feel bad.) I can hardly wait for them to shut down and give me time to save up before the next batch rolls over me like a Mac truck! 😛 😆
I know I’m a late on the pink OW discussion, I just saw him, and all I can say is… YIKES 😯 ! It just seems sooo wrorng! Another sculpt I think that would be hard to do in pink would be the Male dragon. That and the OW sculpts always seemed absolutely masculine to me. Tne other dragon sculpts seem to be more flexible with thier gender 😆 .
Ah, none taken, none taken. It takes a lot to offend me! I’m normally not a pink person myself. And I’m reading about the various weapons you have and I saw the pic of you on your bike, so NO ONE should offend you! 😆