Somebody call Ski!

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      Even I agree. A pink OW would be almost as bad as a pink Emperor. Not that I wouldnt buy both.. but its kinda un-manly. 😆


        I agree….a pink OW, just wouldn’t seem right. 😉


          I agree! Though, back in the 1700s, pink was considered a boy’s color 🙂


            Yup; it really wasn’t until late Victorian times that pink & blue got switched around for boys & girls and I can’t remember why it was changed *too many years ago for my textiles classes*

            twindragonsmum 😀



              …and yet, blue looks pretty on Laps. The OW just seems too rough and rugged to be pink. 😕


              skigod377 wrote:

              Even I agree. A pink OW would be almost as bad as a pink Emperor. Not that I wouldnt buy both.. but its kinda un-manly. 😆

              Only kinda? I, for one, am hoping this guy stays OOAK.


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              Even I agree. A pink OW would be almost as bad as a pink Emperor. Not that I wouldnt buy both.. but its kinda un-manly. 😆

              Only kinda? I, for one, am hoping this guy stays OOAK.

              *whines* want…need…but with yellow eyes, blue…meh…

              I’d be pretty happy with not having ski for competition for that pretty pink OW.

              But I’d still need to win the lotto for him I’m sure, crazy eBayers…:D


                That OW is in touch with his feminine side and very pretty…except for the blue eyes. 😉 😆


                  *shudders*….sorry…pink ow…..*shudders again* and I like the pink! 😯 😯


                  Um…OK. I must have missed this one OW before…Ugh. Pink OW 😛 …For your sake GB I hope he does stay OOAK. 😆 (Aren’t you the OW queen though? 😉 )


                  Am I? That would be cool, but I think dragonessjade and DDVM have more OWs than I do. At the moment, anyway. 😛


                  I just remember your pics of all the OW’s. The pics of your shelves, and what you said…Something aobut having room for 1 or 2 more maybe? 😆 I have 3 right now. So I am way behind! But, then again, I have more than 1 favorite sculpt! 😉
                  Used to be I was happy with just my emerald OW…Then he got bumped by the BEP, and followed by a gold. 😆 (I’d still like a Ruby one though. I missed those. 😕 )


                    I like the Pink Laps, but I don’t want one. I’m happy with my Emerald one, and may get a Gold one when I get my bills caught up, but not Pink.

                    Pink OW? I don’t think so. 😕


                    where was that pink OW from?? Yah , the blue eyes on
                    that don’t go too well ;p and what does “ook” or whatever that was mean ?

                    I personally think a pink OW would be great if painted right 😉 like less gold more silver undertones with darker pink then the one pictured ;p maybe even some nice green accents.. but yah i would want one ;p

                    Grats again for all the new mommies and daddies


                    OOAK = One Of A Kind 😀

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