So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 2)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 2)

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      Matty you may not know the history of grab bags if you haven’t been on here too long but there has been talk and debate here before about pricing for different grab bags. They started out as batches that were supposed to be a little more simple and affordable than special pieces so that more could be painted faster in a group and people could get them at a lower price point. It seems they have gotten more detailed and pricey over time though. I understand these were priced more according to previous special kirin babies but people were able to buy those based on knowing what they were getting, not taking a chance at getting one they may not like as much.

      That’s why grab bags are usually priced lower, because there is a risk with not knowing what you are getting and you also have to pay more for shipping if you trade them. I never commented on pricing before now as I have always thought grab bags were beautiful and certainly worth the money as one of a kind art pieces. I happily paid more for young unis that came out before but these are like two thirds of the price of young unis and maybe a quarter of the size so I feel they are small for the price. I still love them and appreciate them but the price hurts, especially as a Canadian paying a third more for everything.

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        Oh my, the price of the kirins is quite high! My daughter said she thought they might be between $100 and $150. I am wondering why they were priced higher than baby unicorns? They are so tiny and to pay that and risk not getting one you like and then having to trade would cost close to $300 after shipping and fees.

        Just because your daughter thought the price would be less, really isn’t valid, especially since Windstone staff themselves don’t know the price until the final calculations are made.

        Life is beautiful.


          I would imagine it comes down to a dollar amount per hour of work. Since the kirin babies are so small it takes that much more time to put in precise detailing without making a muddied mess of it.

          It’s true that the standing baby kirin grab bags usually go for $150 but the SITTING baby kirin have a much more condensed body, which means a smaller canvas to work on, etc.

          So, while the final price was a bit of a shock, it wasn’t entirely unexpected for many of us either.

          Actually, the sitting baby KiRins are .24 cubic inches larger than the standing babies. Multiply that by 125, and you get 30 cubic inches more sculpt. Multiply that by the number of passes through the paint booth…

          Someone more mathematically inclined might be able to calculate the surface area, but this is rough, based on the measurements in the store.

          Life is beautiful.


          I was sad to have to pass on these babies due to the price – they’re really beautiful, and I’m sure it’s worth it – but best of luck to those who did get one!

          I’m looking forward to see what’s next in store.

          [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


            I ordered a Kirin as soon as I could and I am now awaiting for my little guy to arrive in the mail!
            I don’t mean to sound like a grump on here, but I am a bit confused about some of the frustration of the pricing of the Kirins. While some think that their price is high, I think it is fair to remember that these are one of a kind, hand painted pieces of art from an artist. I couldn’t imagine going in to art store and telling the dealer that a one of kind, original hand painted picture be to pricey, and suggest that the artist paint a few simple lines instead of a detailed landscape so I could have it a price that worked for me.

            I hope that people realize how much time, care and attention it has taken by Melody to paint each piece. I understand that some want more affordable pieces, but again these are original art pieces, not massed produced collectibles made in a factory. To be honest I sometimes think Melody sells some of her Grab bags at a lower price than she should. Look at the amazing detail of the Silhouette Poads that came out last Fall. I think they could have listed higher.

            I agree, Matty. Well said. I pounced on these little rascals and popped one in my cart right away. I think that they are priced appropriately, too.

            Matty you may not know the history of grab bags if you haven’t been on here too long but there has been talk and debate here before about pricing for different grab bags. They started out as batches that were supposed to be a little more simple and affordable than special pieces so that more could be painted faster in a group and people could get them at a lower price point. It seems they have gotten more detailed and pricey over time though. I understand these were priced more according to previous special kirin babies but people were able to buy those based on knowing what they were getting, not taking a chance at getting one they may not like as much.

            That’s why grab bags are usually priced lower, because there is a risk with not knowing what you are getting and you also have to pay more for shipping if you trade them. I never commented on pricing before now as I have always thought grab bags were beautiful and certainly worth the money as one of a kind art pieces. I happily paid more for young unis that came out before but these are like two thirds of the price of young unis and maybe a quarter of the size so I feel they are small for the price. I still love them and appreciate them but the price hurts, especially as a Canadian paying a third more for everything.

            Regardless of what you think that grab bags “… started out as batches that were supposed to be a little more simple and affordable than special pieces so that more could be painted faster in a group and people could get them at a lower price point.” I’m not even sure that this is true. Maybe one of the Windstone historians could help out on this point. Regardless, why would a piece that is painstakingly painted by the master painter be priced lower? Lower than what? Certainly not lower than production.

            Your comment “It seems they have gotten more detailed and pricey over time…” Sure they have. It’s what many of us here on the forum keep asking for.

            Since when are “grab bags usually priced lower”? Lower than what? Ebay? That’s hardly a fair comparison. You frequently comment on pricing and this time isn’t any different. As a fellow Canadian collector, I know (and many others here do, too) what the exchange rate means when we buy from the USA. It’s the cost of collecting.

            If you think that they are too rich for your budget, then just don’t buy any. You could also consider trading something for one as many people have already posted ads in the classifieds for just such a purpose.

            Life is beautiful.


              Actually, the sitting baby KiRins are .24 cubic inches larger than the standing babies. Multiply that by 125, and you get 30 cubic inches more sculpt. Multiply that by the number of passes through the paint booth…

              Someone more mathematically inclined might be able to calculate the surface area, but this is rough, based on the measurements in the store.

              Hah hah hah…. I am mathematically inclined, but I’m not going to do it. If someone wants to measure all three dimensions of each approximately regularly shaped part, you could get a closer number. But that still wouldn’t be very good, because it wouldn’t account for the crevices and curved parts.
              Regardless, the small size of the scales makes putting a pattern on each individual scale very time-consuming. And the irregularity caused by the scales makes painting a larger pattern difficult, too.

              My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                So is it to early to ask about what’s next for grab bags? Was it poads or dragons? Or maybe some nice easy flat pet rocks with no scales, fur or wings 😁


                  So is it to early to ask about what’s next for grab bags? Was it poads or dragons? Or maybe some nice easy flat pet rocks with no scales, fur or wings

                  That sounds like a squashed poad™. Now why would you want Ms. Melody to squash her poads™? 😛

                  My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                    My dear Kim,with all of your beautiful pieces I am sure you will get what you want even if not straight from the store.Trades,trades,trades.Please know that you are blessed with an incredible collection.We all have to miss out sometimes.Part of the fun of collecting is finally getting the beauty you wanted.Or one dang close.Don’t let it upset you.Many of us will never get one.Be happy,you did. All artists know they don’t usually get what the true value of their work is.Ms.Melody pours her heart out in these things for us.Free raffles every month.She makes what we ask for as much as possible.Show me another business that does this?Not getting on you girl but I will always defend Ms.Melody’s work.JMO.
                    *squashed Poad[tm]*…oh my…..

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male day🤞Dream on.


                      That would be hilarious! Squashed poads lol. I was just thinking something easy after the baby kirins. I can’t imagine the time and frustration it was painting them. They are stunning.
                      I would take all day painting a black and white penguin at a paint your own pottery place and still mess it up.


                        Actually, the sitting baby KiRins are .24 cubic inches larger than the standing babies. Multiply that by 125, and you get 30 cubic inches more sculpt. Multiply that by the number of passes through the paint booth…

                        Someone more mathematically inclined might be able to calculate the surface area, but this is rough, based on the measurements in the store.

                        You’re a nutter. =P

                        Regardless, standing babies are nicely linear while sitting babies are condensed and curvy which I would imagine makes them a pain in the butt comparably.


                          That sounds like a squashed poad™. Now why would you want Ms. Melody to squash her poads™? 😛

                          She did “squash” her poads…into poad patches. 😉


                            Actually, the sitting baby KiRins are .24 cubic inches larger than the standing babies. Multiply that by 125, and you get 30 cubic inches more sculpt. Multiply that by the number of passes through the paint booth…

                            Someone more mathematically inclined might be able to calculate the surface area, but this is rough, based on the measurements in the store.

                            You’re a nutter. =P

                            Regardless, standing babies are nicely linear while sitting babies are condensed and curvy which I would imagine makes them a pain in the butt comparably.


                            Yep, linear is definitely easier to paint.

                            Life is beautiful.


                              I too wonder what the next GB will be, maybe something easier to paint and more on the affordable side, like maybe grey fox pebbles! We still haven’t seen them in GB form yet!

                              *Formerly meowmix101
                              Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                              That would be great! Or perhaps even one of those mysterious dragon pebbles. Especially with some of that sparkle or color shift magic…

                              [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]

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