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      it’s snowing outside…..I’m all happy….except for my little American rubber made car…..the Emergency brake is frozen solid….and it won’t move…..and the other car the door was frozen shut…

      why can’t US car makers make cars that withstand the cold like European car makers….

      other than that…it’s great….I might take a picture later to share…hehe….

      time for hot chocolate



          Snow sucks. Its cold. *Shivers miserably*


          Ski! Schäm di! Snow is great! I wish it would snow instead of rain here. But on the other hand, if it snowed, our building site would be in trouble.


            well today it sucks….but I like snow….hehe


            Bleh- not a snow kind of person…I prefer hot, sunny days (so needless to say I reside in the correct state)


              CherylKaufman wrote:

              Bleh- not a snow kind of person…I prefer hot, sunny days (so needless to say I reside in the correct state)

              I’m to fat for hot….I get sweaty pits…..LOL

              although when I was in Europe I didn’t get all sweaty….hmm….guess it’s time to move to europe….


              I like the heat to. The hotter the better. But considering tomorrow is December, I’m vainly hoping for a white month of Christmas. If it’s gonna be winter, it oughta be a proper one.


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                I like the heat to. The hotter the better. But considering tomorrow is December, I’m vainly hoping for a white month of Christmas. If it’s gonna be winter, it oughta be a proper one.

                exactly…they even have some sleet….and then snow in Dallas….

                now they are gonna all freak out….cause they freak out when it rains there…. 😯


                  It hit -43 with wind here yesterday and I had no problem shovelling off or starting my “american made junk”.

                  Traversing in a straight line is a different story though. 8)


                    Snapdragon wrote:

                    It hit -43 with wind here yesterday and I had no problem shovelling off or starting my “american made junk”.

                    Traversing in a straight line is a different story though. 8)

                    depends on what you have though….but mine did start and warm up and everything….it just never moved….

                    I know I’m just missing my old car….Mercedes…that was assembled in America…hehe…but it always started, warmed up, and drove perfect, no matter how bad the snow was, and it would be warm in 2 min not 20 min….hehe….

                    course in the other car it did fine driving….so I’m sure mine would too….if the brakes would ever un-freeze…sad thing is it’s 25 or something like that….and they shouldn’t be frozen together


                      Hrum, well see I use my e-brake when I drive in the winter, so I don’t have any mositure left over that will freeze. If you drag your brake a bit before you park it shouldn’t stick up anymore.


                      -43! Well, we’re still above freezing here. In fact, it’s way too warm for the season.


                        Yeah it’s stupid early here too, it’s up to almost -10 today though, and supposedly near 0 for the weekend.

                        Normally the bad weather is the last 2 weeks of January into the first 2 weeks of February, two years ago it actually hit -55 with wind chill. You just don’t go outside anymore, if you do, it’s a literal mind numbing experience, you start to lose conciousness really quick if you aren’t wearing 16 layers of clothes…


                          Snapdragon wrote:

                          Hrum, well see I use my e-brake when I drive in the winter, so I don’t have any mositure left over that will freeze. If you drag your brake a bit before you park it shouldn’t stick up anymore.

                          ok….well thank you for that tip….I didn’t even think of that….so if I get it unstuck I will try that…

                          and last night I just came home put the brake on and came inside….and thinking about it….it did try to stick on my before I got home when I stopped at a store for hot chocolate….I’ll definitely have to try that when/if I get it to move….

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