Sitting Fox Show Off

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      Really gorgeous foxy friends everybody! 😀

      Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



        My fox has arrived!

        I do like her – I had been hoping for a darker fox, yay! I’m not 100% committed yet, though (I’m still finding that I’m really drawn to the silver ones) and I can’t help but think that she’d look awfully good alongside somebody’s Red Panda critter collection. So I guess if anyone’s interested in swapping or buying, let me know! Till then, she gets to hang out on the shelf with my PYO wolf and poor unpainted little Kitsune. 🙂

        Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


          wow Nightcrow, I thinks yours looks awesome. I really like that bit of tan popping out. I think you will find it will grow on you 😛


            My AWD LP fox. I wish he had a little more of the marbled patches and a little less of the spots, but he’s still gorgeous.

            My favorite detail of this new sculpt is the elaborate edging on the inner-ear fur tufts; so precise and delicate!

            And my grab bag fox: looking at the fur chart, it’s a Georgian white. I’d call it piebald, though, or maybe camo. It’s an interesting lighter grey on darker grey patchwork and the lighter grey has a milky appearance over the black (seen better on the second picture with the flash on; first pictures are all without flash). She’s rather unique but I’m not particularly attached to her, so she’ll be going up for trade/sale.


              Stormbreeze, I think your fox looks like Lassie! Her colors are perfect for a Collie or Sheltie. 😀 Maybe a Collie or Sheltie owner will be smitten with her!

              Here’s my lovely girl! She’s a soft, clean white with rich dark brown markings. I think she’s beautiful, but I was hoping for a darker fox, so she’s up for trade.

              Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                Wow Rylorian, your piebald is easily the prettiest one i have seen


                  Sikek, I may have gotten one of your favs. The 2nd pic on the top. But mines a great hot chocolate color in real life. There may be one other that could be him, but it’s so hard to tell.


                    Here are mine! I just love these guys! They have wonderful shading.

                     photo IMG_5639_1_zpsshecx0b4.jpg

                     photo IMG_5640_2_zpsrrz0pxbe.jpg

                     photo IMG_5641_3_zps4vuvya6c.jpg

                     photo IMG_5642_4_zpszvvuk4ic.jpg


                      Today has been a dreary day, and while I love the rain, it just wasn’t good for my mood. I couldn’t sleep last night, and got less than 4 hours of sleep before I had to drive two hours to LA for an appointment.. for anyone who doesn’t know LA traffic, it sucks.. and, well, nobody showed up to the appointment, but me.
                      So I wasted half a tank of gas driving south, which I hate, and back home again. I swung by the Post Office before coming home, because there was a pick-up slip in my mailbox this morning. I received a perfect square box, wrapped in that brown paper, with no return address. Just my name and address labeled in the middle. Sitting in the car with this conspicuous box on the passenger front seat next to me, I wonder what it could be, and who it could be from. Upon opening it, I recognize the Windstone stamp at the upper-left corner. The shipping label had been torn off, so I still didn’t know who it was from. I open the box, to this stunning African Wild Dog Sitting Red Fox with a note that reads
                      “Because I can, and you can’t stop me”. Needless to say, I was super ecstatic, calling my boyfriend out on his sassy note and thanking him for the gift… he knows how much
                      I obsess over AWD things.. and I guess he saw the Grab as a perfect opportunity.

                      A HUGE THANK YOU to Melody for painting these. This pattern is exactly what I would have hoped for if I’d been able to participate in the Grab, myself! And here he is, in all his foxy glory… 🙂

                       photo 20151005_175946_zps7rpi9smi.jpg photo 20151005_175936_zpsrpqlufnf.jpg photo 20151005_175920_zps2o2iazdk.jpg photo 20151005_175909_zpsvydy6trq.jpg photo 20151005_175858_zpswgmjfkcq.jpg photo 20151005_175846_zpsssfikczy.jpg

                      ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

                      • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
                      ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                      ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                      ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                      • ► By Melody ◄ •
                      ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                      ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                      ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                        I didn’t get a gb fox but I couldn’t resist an AWD fox… I am obsessed with that color scheme too. Here is my new little AWD pack. 🙂

                        <img src=" photo IMG_1525_zps76rxmtz9.jpg“>


                        Okay, I have to laugh. I got my sitting fox today, and before I opened the box I made a joke to myself that it was probably going to be grey, like my other grab bag fox and wolf.

                        And, yup, grey! XD He is a very handsome grey fox, lots of shading, with a white blaze.


                        Stormbreeze, I think your fox looks like Lassie! Her colors are perfect for a Collie or Sheltie. 😀 Maybe a Collie or Sheltie owner will be smitten with her!

                        Ah, you’re quite right! I didn’t notice that at all. Now that’s all I can think of when I look at her.

                        Okay, I have to laugh. I got my sitting fox today, and before I opened the box I made a joke to myself that it was probably going to be grey, like my other grab bag fox and wolf.

                        And, yup, grey! XD He is a very handsome grey fox, lots of shading, with a white blaze.

                        Grab bags have… an interesting sense of humor sometimes. 🙂 He sounds beautiful, though; greys are my favorite.

                        [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                          Got mine. He’s from the “collie” themed batch in photo 4, farthest back row, and farthest to the right. He’s overall dark, basically dark grey shades with tan brown highlights & tan brown down the front with dark face & nose, white chin, muzzle, stripe up face, & inside ears is also light.

                          First grab bag I ever opened & looking at up close thought initially that I really wasn’t in love (loved the sculpt though!) & even thought he may be going up for trade…but the colors blend much better with a bit of distance & he actually is of course gorgeous, so starting to really grow on me plus he does match all my others really well…


                            Congrats Jynxx! What a great surprise! I have to say I love all the wild dogs ones so far! I am excited to get mine! My box arrived in L.A. today so I am hoping it gets here by Fri.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                              I got mine in yesterday and was able to get some pictures this morning. I love her! Thank you Melody for somehow always outdoing yourself!

                              I believe her to be the one in the 5th class picture, top row, third from the left, sitting next to the red eared one.

                               photo 012_zps1fffi0lx.jpg

                               photo 013_zpsfq7mpdpu.jpg

                               photo 014_zps4jpbbhga.jpg

                               photo 015_zpsdm0hr4zp.jpg

                               photo 016_zpsjmzwm8nk.jpg

                              Looking for:
                              "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"

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