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      *Hugs* for you babycakes…. Things do get better….



        i had not commented because i had a feeling of what would happen and it was too emotional for me. I am sad that it died. only 2 days old, that is just terrible that they would leave him out like that. I have a hard time with humans who can’t treat animals with care. where were the parents? just a rhetorical question bouncing in my head.

        The night you posted about finding the kitten, i had a kitten right by me. my sister had walked to the local preschool after work because she was talking on her cell and did not want to wake up my parents. she came back with a kitten. she heard a mewing and found it coming from a garbage can. some one put the kitten in the garbage can and put the lid on it. It is not as your as yours was, this one looks like it is 2 months old. It has a sprained paw and will survive.

        *lots of hugs*


          Thank goodness your sister found that kitten, KKitty! People that do stuff like that should have worse done to them.


            lamortefille wrote:

            Thank goodness your sister found that kitten, KKitty! People that do stuff like that should have worse done to them.

            we have no idea how the kitten got in there. it id not a wild one because it loves being held. but still, if it had been left over night and into the next day, the heat would have killed it. we think maybe some kid had hid it there while they tried persuading thier parents to keep a kitten…at least that is what we like to think. both my parents woke up that night and we all watched the limping kitten, dad refused to take it to the spca so it looks like it will be ours. It really is a cute little thing and all of us have become atatched to it over night.


              Hugs, Windstonecollector!

              And hugs to Koi too for loving that kitty.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              KoishiiKitty wrote:

              lamortefille wrote:

              Thank goodness your sister found that kitten, KKitty! People that do stuff like that should have worse done to them.

              we have no idea how the kitten got in there. it id not a wild one because it loves being held. but still, if it had been left over night and into the next day, the heat would have killed it. we think maybe some kid had hid it there while they tried persuading thier parents to keep a kitten…at least that is what we like to think. both my parents woke up that night and we all watched the limping kitten, dad refused to take it to the spca so it looks like it will be ours. It really is a cute little thing and all of us have become atatched to it over night.
              I haven’t said a word to my neighbors. (Who by the way were out partying while the kids had the kitten. πŸ‘Ώ ) Simply because I would snap out and maybe even hurt them right now. The best thing they can do is avoid me until Friday when I can go see the doc and get some more happy pills. I feel like I could really hurt them currently.
              I am glad your sister found him, and that he will have a good home with you. It sorta makes all this seem a tiny bit better. πŸ™‚
              Stupid people should not be allowed near animals. Especially when it comes to baby animals. It’s like going to the zoo and seeing people make faces at the monkeys…I like how the monkeys retaliate though…I’d toss some crap on them too. 😈


                KoishiiKitty wrote:

                lamortefille wrote:

                Thank goodness your sister found that kitten, KKitty! People that do stuff like that should have worse done to them.

                we have no idea how the kitten got in there. it id not a wild one because it loves being held. but still, if it had been left over night and into the next day, the heat would have killed it. we think maybe some kid had hid it there while they tried persuading thier parents to keep a kitten…at least that is what we like to think. both my parents woke up that night and we all watched the limping kitten, dad refused to take it to the spca so it looks like it will be ours. It really is a cute little thing and all of us have become atatched to it over night.

                It would be better if it was done “innocently”, as you suggested, but still….anyway it has a good home now. πŸ˜€ Post some pix when you have time, please.


                Oh no, I’m so sorry that the little kitten didn’t make it. Sad to think that it might have survived if not played with and left out in the cold for so long. I am still so glad that you tried to save him though, he at least had some people caring about him and pulling for him in his short life, instead of being left outside to die alone πŸ™

                And the poor other kitty left in the garbage can?! *shriek* Thank goodness he was found, can’t imagine how hot that can would have gotten during the day! I am glad to hear that you will keep him Koshii.


                  I’m so sorry things turned out that way but you really did the best you could. The kitty couldn’t have asked for someone with a kinder heart then you. It was just not meant to be for the little one sadly. It’s not fair…only 2 days old. How awful. Some people, especially kids can be very cruel. There is a group of kids I chase down all the time who throw fire crackers at my dog when he goes outside to do his business. He was perfectly house trained and now has accidents sometimes just because he’s afraid to go outside and pees himself when I try to get him to go out because he’s so afraid. Your much more composed then I WC. I’d have killed those kids! πŸ‘Ώ

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                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    i have the kitty on my lap right now. I am glad it cheered you up some. here are a few little photos of the little guy. he is all black except for three white daimonds on his belly/neck, one white lip, front paws have white only on the toes, and back paws have white up part of the foot. all his paw pads are black. oh, and it is a she, even though i call it a he.

                    she still needs a name.


                    I’m so sorry WC it’s sad to hear of little kitties dying, especially at the hands of some very cruel kids.

                    And Koishii, that kitty reminds me of my parent’s late cat, Mothball. So very cute!


                    Your kitty looks like it is wound for sound! πŸ˜†

                    It’s just a bad day. I just found a HUGE leak in my car…It is leaking antifreeze like hell, and it looks to be a head gasket…Or a cracked head. Atleast I was always told bad things come in 3’s, so this should be the end of that. πŸ˜› I hope so, I certainly do.
                    (Pardon me, but the neighbors jsut came and asked about the kitten. Then when I said he had been uethnized (sp? πŸ™„ I know it isn’t right.)the guy says back, “We wanted to let you know we would share in the care of it. So, if you need us to watch it, let us know.” I am talking old Batman show time…I could almost see the words, “BAM!!! BOOM!!! POW!!!” πŸ‘Ώ I restrained myself and calmly said, “No…Daed, buried, as in he took the heavenly flight.” But the look on my face gave away I was really pissed off I think. I am going to go to bed I think. Before anything else comes along and poops in my Wheaties tonight. πŸ˜›


                      >_< * restrains from ranting in public*

                      that would have pissed me off really good inside too. there are quite a few things i would have been tempted to say to them. I applaud your self control!


                      Trust me some days are better than others. πŸ˜‰
                      (I popped back in cuz I had to read the joke thread. I love to save up a few pages for a really cruddy day. It always makes me smile. πŸ™‚ )


                      drag0nfeathers- 😯 I don’t even know what to say to your story. Any ideas I come up with to improve the situation for your poor dog end up with me going to jail. 😯

                      Oh Koishii that kitten is SO CUTE! Such wide kitty eyes! How could anyone treat her like she was garbage? πŸ˜₯

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