*sigh*… *cries*

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    Here I go again. Only this time I have to start at 2 days old…
    My neighbors found a kitten in the bushes next door. It appears healthy and strong, loud and yet very tired. I suppose if I was passed aorund 4+ kids for 6 hours I would be too. Well, the kids got tired of the meowing young kitten and stuck him out on the landing behind the apartments. Crying loudly, I finally heard him. I figured they got tired of his cries and put him in a box outside. No, no box. No blanket for him. No nothing warm period. 😥
    They left him on a deck style landing too, a few more feet he would have been past my door and over the edge. Yes the same edge I phot my PYO’s on. Atleast 10 ft or more to the ground. 👿
    And here is where I gather him up and hold him close and carry him inside, grab a Windstone box, and a soft recieving blanket. Pile into the car, use the rest of the gas I have to drive 15 miles to the nearest Walmart (and back), and proceed to the medicine isle and the kitty isle and buy every type of eye dropper, bottle, syringe etc until I have a good $15 I didn’t have wrapped up in baby kitty supplies. Now he is sleeping and ate a tiny bit before he did, but he is just plum tuckered out. 🙁
    I don’t even give him a 50/50 chance. He is just too young. My cats are going nuts trying to get to him, but they haven’t done anything mean to him. I hope that they will sorta help me out, but none of them has outdoor or kitten rearing experience except Amadeus and at 17 he’s just aobut blind and too darned old to care anymore. One can hope.
    I’m off to lay down. I found something out on my way home that was even more depressing. 🙁 I feel like crying. But please if you would, pray for this little kitty. He/she needs it much more than I do.



    How sad. 🙁 I hope the little guy is a fighter and pulls through.

    Regardless of the outcome, thanks for caring and for trying! 🙂


      Raising baby kitties is fully possible, and if he’s strong, that will help.

      He needs to be fed with KMR every two hours (yes, even through the night), and he needs help going potty. Use a soft, warm, damp cloth and gently rub his bottom after he’s eaten to help him pee and poo, since he’s still too young to do it on his own.

      We used to foster kittens at a clinic where I worked, and we raised several litters. It’s not easy, but you can do it.


      You’re a very caring person, WindstoneCollector, to do this much for a newborn kitten! I hope he makes it; he will get my prayers! Know that you did your best, even if things don’t work out the way you want them to!


        😯 How old is this kitten?

        I hope he pulls through.
        Will you keep him if he does?
        Thanks for caring for this little creature.
        If he is very young, I wonder how he got to that bush in the first place if he was alone. 😕


        He’s young enough to not even have hair on his toes yet. And he hasn’t been eating much, but he licks at the dropper. His cries are quieter today, and that worries me. He has gone #1 but not #2. I stayed up almost all night with him, I read mounds of help topics aobut feeding him. And all of them say be careful not to over do since they can get aspiration Pneumonia. This is much different from a human baby. 😕 Thank you all for your kind wishes for this little guy. 🙂 I am going to keep trying, and tomorrow if he’s still here, I will take him to the vet.(I can’t really afford it, and I am scared the vet will tell me it is a lost cause, but I haven’t ever done anything like this before, atleast not this young.) I don’t think the poor little one even knows how to suckle. 🙁
        If he does make it, I will be keeping him. I know that is 6 cats, but if he lives through this he sooo deserves a good home. <3


          Aww! That’s so good of you.

          I hope he makes it!


            Good for you for trying, WSC! I hope he makes it.

            I hope the bad news you received isn’t too bad. 🙂 Let me know if you want to talk.


              You’re such a sweetie. Thanks for at least trying.


                You are a wonderful person to help this kitten. Thoughts and prayers are there for the kitten.


                  Awww I can’t stand the crys of a little kitten… I always have to hunt them out…

                  Hope that the little one pulls through. *crosses fingers*


                  I wish I knew what my parents did way back when for Sugar and Spice who were abandoned by their mother (they were the smallest of the litter and not very healthy) and they pulled through.

                  I know they were fed through an eyedropper, and I know they were fed very little very often, and they had to help them with going to the bathroom and such. They pulled through, so maybe there is hope that this little guy will make it too.

                  He’s probably there because of mother abandonment, usually if there’s a runt and the mother is wild, she will just abandon the kitten – it sometimes happens with breeding cats too, so I hear. The mother has to be forced to take care of the runt.


                    As long as he is eating he should be ok. I didnt give that one I found frozen a chance in hell, but he pulled thru just fine. Good luck girl. I will be praying.


                    Ok, update…Sorta good news. Well, really good. I sat there sniffling this morning cuz again I tried my best and he wouldn’t eat. Yes, the kitten is a he (If not it has too many parts. 😆 )
                    I went out for a bite to eat, and came back resinged to the failure of myself for this little guy. Then, he actually began to nurse the bottle! He didn’t make it far, not a whole lot went in and a little dribbled here and there. I never knew kittens were so sloppy when they ate. 😯 I want to say he is about 2 days old actually. So, if this little guy can make it, I am trying to decide to name him Rocky, cuz he fought so hard, or Figaro after the cat in Pinocchio. He is black tabby and white, prhaps a long hair. If I can get my friggin camera to work right again I will try to get a pic of him. Thank you all for your prayers, cuz I think God must have heard you all. *sniffles* 😀

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