Sick kitty sale

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  • #781672

    purpleturtle wrote:

    CherokeeDR wrote:

    I do like him, but it’s either not pay bills or sell them 🙁

    That’s to bad. But bills, unfortunately, trump pretties. Best of luck selling.

    Thanks. It’s always nice to have things like a roof over your head and some heat 😀 And I would like to pay down the 6k in cc debt I have that is going nowhere but up 😕




    Scratcher no longer on hold. Not hearing back from person who wanted her. If I should hear back she will be sold at that point to them.


    Bump 😀


      violet flame curlie is sold 😀




      I still want the scratcher, but I still have a distinct lack of available funds… I mean, I have $5grand but without a paying job right now… I need it for bills and such.


      Maybe he will still be here when you’re ready 😀


      Bump 😀


        I hope your kitty is doing alright, Cherokee!


        Thank you



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