Sick kitty sale

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    Lol 😀


    I had what they call “Twilight sleep” when they surgically removed my wisdom teeth. I would definitely suggest that. I can’t deal with the gas. :puke:
    This thread has given me a laugh or two though. 😀


    Never heard of it?


      CherokeeDR wrote:

      Never heard of it?

      It’s where they put you under, but they don’t….you’re awake, but you feel like you’re purpetualy in that dream state between being concious and asleep, more towards the dreamy side. Totaly weird. oh, and you don’t feel much…supposedly…Unless I’m thinking of something compeltely different WC?


        I had the twilight sleep (as well as nitrous/laughing gas) and I was out cold the entire time my wisdom teeth were being removed. Some of that could have been due to previous exposure to laughing gas for broken front teeth with exposed nerves getting capped.


        Cat you got it right… 🙂
        But, what I got was the no-feeling thing coupled with being able to hear EVERYTHING, oh and not being able to open your eyes…you can try as much as you like, but you’re not gonna get it done. Although by the time I had mine removed, they had been impacted, infected and I took the antibiotics…Infection gone? Yes. *rush* The day or so of annoying ache after was much better than the 2 weeks of not being able to eat before it (Just don’t use straws afterwords for a few days…It’s all in the list of do’s and don’ts you will get). Trust me, I admit, I don’t like needles, and novacaine needles even less. This way, I didn’t have to worry about the gas making me sick, which I made sure to voice a very strong opinion on… :shout: Or the guy flashing the needle at me. I don’t like that! I’ve gotten one cap and root canal too, and those are no fun, and a PITA compared to the wisdom teeth IMO. 😉


        Added a couple more 🙂


          I wish I was as luck with my wisdom teeth They put me under and when I woke up I was in excruciating pain. It was worse pain then breaking my ribs. my body doesn’t respond to pain medication and vicadin only makes me vomit. I didn’t eat for almost a week and when I did start eating It was so painful I cryed while doing it and would eat more then a couple of spoon fulls After about three weeks It wasn’t as bad except I had to go in for some fillings but I was congested that day. While they were doing my filling My congestion acted up and I couldn’t breath I tried to convey this to them but they wouldnt listen so I fought them off me (they put up one hell of a struggle) Cough up what had clogged my throat And let the stupid idiots continue. Jesus if some one is gasping for air and is making the choking motion they probably aren’t faking and you should not fight them down. They won’t even see my sisters now. And I haven’t been to the dentist since. Did I metion they torn my back stitches open in this fiasco. Btw my wisdom teeth were fully grown in.


          Gee thanks for the horror story 🙄 🙂 Sorry that happened to you. I will pray mine is not like that. For now I stay no more then 10 feet from my friend the toilet while I fight off this nasty flu 🙄


            Get better 😀 and I was only because mine were fully developed and out (nerve had grown in)


            Two of mine are still under the skin but I can feel it firm there and the others are poking out… 😮


            Prices reduced and new added 🙂


              “I also have a … violet flame curl, not really wanting to sell but would for about ravnheart database average.”

              Stupid question time, what is ravnheart’s database, and how do I get there? Alternatively, what is the average in dollars so that I know if I’m willing to part with it for the curl? 😆


                Ravnheart’s database is an online database of *most* of the Windstones sold on ebay since October 2006. I say most, because occasionally things slip through the cracks when I collect the data of ebay to enter it in the database. To get there, simply click on my signature image.

                For the record there have only been two mint violet flame curled dragons sold on ebay. One for $72.73, the other for $107.50 (it’s not listed yet, but will be very soon) so the average price would be $90.11.


                Thank you ma’am :hi:

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