Show your collection V.7-2012

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  • #871168

      That is a boat lot of dragons and I think a kitty . Real one … maybe .

      Danzig Moon (Karen)

        That is a boat lot of dragons and I think a kitty . Real one … maybe .

        Yes, Sasha that is Moe curled up by them. She love’s them also. The dog’s and cat’s are really good about steering clear of the group on the floor.

        Makes me wonder what the Dragon’s say to them to make them not get all up in there.

        They will be going up onto a custom piece I’m getting made for them. Should be here next week.

        *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


          Hey I think I remember a few of those.
          An you are welcome. They all look perfect at your home and I might add that you have the room for them. Thanks for sharing with me. They are just beautiful. Yep they are !



            WOW it’s almost like a museum of windstones! 😀


            WOW WOW WOW That is so impressive and in such a short amount of time………I bow before your throng of Mighty Dragons and Unicorns HEHE


              Holy windstones! XD I love the one still in the box!


                I got two new beauties! One of them I got very lucky on. I had bid on this beautiful silver lap dragon on ebay, and lost by $2. A few days later the seller messages me and says the high bidder backed out, I got a second chance!!! I had a pretty good sized ebay bucks certificate, so after shipping, she only cost me $193!! She just came in today and I’m so unbelieveably happy!

                I also found another piece I didn’t think I’d find for a long time-a beautiful red fire scratcher from the wonderful and awesome Windstonefan. He smells like incence too ^_^ These two were at the top of my wishlist and I’m stoked to finally have them.



                I need to get glamor shots later. For now they are hangin out on my desk where I can see them every day ^_^


                OH! That’s the silver lap I kept eyeing the whole time she was up, thinking I should just give up my dream of the CP and go after her instead. I’m so glad to see she went to a home that will love her dearly! Congrats!

                Danzig Moon (Karen)

                  I got two new beauties! One of them I got very lucky on. I had bid on this beautiful silver lap dragon on ebay, and lost by $2. A few days later the seller messages me and says the high bidder backed out, I got a second chance!!! I had a pretty good sized ebay bucks certificate, so after shipping, she only cost me $193!! She just came in today and I’m so unbelieveably happy!

                  I also found another piece I didn’t think I’d find for a long time-a beautiful red fire scratcher from the wonderful and awesome Windstonefan. He smells like incence too ^_^ These two were at the top of my wishlist and I’m stoked to finally have them.



                  I need to get glamor shots later. For now they are hangin out on my desk where I can see them every day ^_^

                  CONGRAT’S on the both of them but mainly the Silve Lap!!!! :bigsmile:
                  I also JUST recieved my Silver Lap from a VERY dear friend/Forum member. The last piece needed for my Silver set. WOO HOOO!!!

                  *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                    These are Secerthopes fabulous collection.Posted for her.Girl,you got it going on!WOW.Congrats!!:bigsmile:

                    LOL!! That’s not even half of them. A year ago and 7 day’s I had not one Dragon in my house!!! Gotta say I just love them and I have ALL but a few pieces to go to complete all the set’s.

                    Most all of these were brought from or traded with Forum Members!! I just want to THANK ALL of you for my collection. With out Ya’ll it would not have been possable!!!

                    Wow! Congrats on all your wonderful Windstones! I would love to see the rest!



                    These are Secerthopes fabulous collection.Posted for her.Girl,you got it going on!WOW.Congrats!!:bigsmile:

                    LOL!! That’s not even half of them. A year ago and 7 day’s I had not one Dragon in my house!!! Gotta say I just love them and I have ALL but a few pieces to go to complete all the set’s.

                    Most all of these were brought from or traded with Forum Members!! I just want to THANK ALL of you for my collection. With out Ya’ll it would not have been possable!!!

                    Secert, it cracks me up that you have a new one peaking out of the box at that very moment! LOL! I wish I could leave my pieces out in the open. For now I have them inside a large aquarium and one bookshelf sized one that I bought just for the purpose of housing them. I got a great deal on them and they fit better and were more cost effective than a curio. I also talked to Jennifer and she told me it would be o.k to put a lighted hood on it, but you want to make sure that you have the kind of bulb that wouldn’t cause any fading. I think I am just going to keep a clear top on it and use a regular overhanging lamp for some kind of illumination instead , cause I would flip out if they faded.


                      My newest addition:

                      Finally won an ebay auction! XD

                      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                        YAY, HANNAH!! You got your mama bear!!


                          Good for you Hannah!! 🙂 I love that bear! She’s so pretty! 🙂


                          I got two new beauties! One of them I got very lucky on. I had bid on this beautiful silver lap dragon on ebay, and lost by $2. A few days later the seller messages me and says the high bidder backed out, I got a second chance!!! I had a pretty good sized ebay bucks certificate, so after shipping, she only cost me $193!! She just came in today and I’m so unbelieveably happy!

                          I also found another piece I didn’t think I’d find for a long time-a beautiful red fire scratcher from the wonderful and awesome Windstonefan. He smells like incence too ^_^ These two were at the top of my wishlist and I’m stoked to finally have them.



                          I need to get glamor shots later. For now they are hangin out on my desk where I can see them every day ^_^

                          Awww it’s so great to see my old Silver Lap in it’s new home, I was hoping you’d post pictures here! 😀 I was so relieved when I heard it made it there in one piece! The Red Fire Scratcher is a lovely contrast to it. 🙂

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