
Show your collection V.7-2012

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  • #876421

      I finally feel I have a collection worth posting! ๐Ÿ™‚ The few that aren’t posted are a regular production wolf council, a regular production small winged wolf, leaf cat sconce, autumn leaf cat sconce, black and white malamute #1… and a few others I’m sure lol…

      The whole kit and caboodle…

      Did you know Fuzzies are attracted to Tribbles?

      The lone fox…

      Our GB baby poads from the first batch…

      The black bat!

      My first PYO ‘Tundra’

      Beautiful family!

      Griffie babies that are waiting on some parents!

      Copper Patina Male, PYO by Opal Dragon, Pink curlie, and Toasted Pearl curlie

      I tawt I taw a puddy tat!!!!

      Beloved Hoofers!

      Dinos N Friends…

      My Hubby’s pride and joys ๐Ÿ™‚

      The Silver Family

      Red and purple at the same time, and blue and green at the same time…anyone know the book attached to that saying?

      My most prized Windstone…Husky Team #4

      Candle Lamps!

      A few more are arriving this coming week Regular production Momma Uni and baby uni, and Mahagony #1 Male Griffin.


        Beautiful collection!


        Riversgrace I love your Poads and CP Male!! So pretty!



          New additions!



          New additions!

          That white/pink/purple uni is still probably my favorite from that batch of babies!


            I decided that today was a good day to dust and clean, and take pictures of my collection. It’s changed a bit in the last few months. ๐Ÿ™‚ The lighting in my house is poor, but I did the best I could. XD

            First, my bears:

            My brown male and brown mother. They both have damage, but have such beautiful coloration:

            My curlies:

            Husband’s emerald old warrior:

            Cute little frog prince!

            Hubby’s gargoyles:

            Gothic uni:

            Old green male and mother. These are both quite old (stamps) and have some damage, but again their coloring is fabulous:


            Mouse wizard and lucky llama (#6):

            Meercat and armadillo:

            My two orientals:

            Red fire old warrior and emerald peacock lap dragon:

            Old green emperor:

            Silver emperor (1st version):

            Silver male:

            Test paint mama griffin Chocolate Brown Copper Spot. She doesn’t have interference paints on her, but every time I photograph her blue/purple shows up…

            Spotted griffin chicks (1st version, before Windstone moved to Oregon):

            My unis:
            Atrayel and Apokryphos, buckskin GB (Tango), Candy Cane GB (Bisbee) and a slate grulla.

            My Poads: (I’ll have to take an updated pic later this week, when a GB Poad I traded for arrives! *happy dance*)

            White mother:

            Wolf: (The very first Windstone I purchased. He deserves a non-blurry pic. x.x)

            PYOs: All of these are done by me, except for the copper/bronze/pearl dragon and the brown muse.


              You have a beautiful collection!


                I suffered a minor setback in my effort to clear my CC.

                I got caught up in the BVEP Fledgling fever, and then a few days later, his big brother appeared in the “semi” local adds. So here they are:


                The Lap was a really good deal! Less than store price!


                  Aha! You snagged that Kijiji BVP lap. Very nice. I saw the ad and thought, “Darn, I wish I lived closer.” I’m glad to see that it went to a good home. ๐Ÿ™‚

                  Your photos of the lap and fledgling together made me notice for the first time how similar they look, in terms of scale placement, horns, face shape, etc. They definitely make for a nice family display.


                    Beautiful collections everyone!
                    Man, I hope they make more BVP Lap dragons. I was always super bummed I never had a chance to get one.


                      Aha! You snagged that Kijiji BVP lap. Very nice. I saw the ad and thought, “Darn, I wish I lived closer.” I’m glad to see that it went to a good home. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      I wasn’t actually close (I’m in Montreal), but the seller agreed to ship and accepted paypal payment. Even with shipping, it was a great deal, especially considering that we don’t have any idea when they’ll be made again! And the timing was perfect since I’d just bought the Fledlging.

                      Your photos of the lap and fledgling together made me notice for the first time how similar they look, in terms of scale placement, horns, face shape, etc. They definitely make for a nice family display.

                      Yes, they really are very similar. To the point that the Fledgling looks like a young Lap. Even the face, especially the muzzle and the eye ridges.


                        Your photos of the lap and fledgling together made me notice for the first time how similar they look, in terms of scale placement, horns, face shape, etc. They definitely make for a nice family display.

                        It’s been thought/said that fledglings grow up to become laps.

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          I saw the ad for the BVP lap too, I’m glad you got it! ๐Ÿ˜€


                            Thanks! I was really surprised that it didn’t go faster. The add was already a few days old when I contacted the seller.


                              Riversgrace, you have a wonderful collection – you should be very proud!

                              Is is just me, or are the GB baby Poads different sizes?

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