Show your Collection, v.6!

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  • #841791

      Wow, that’s so awesome!! Congrats Koishii!

      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        Wow, that’s so awesome!! Congrats Koishii!

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          Has the double posting been happening to anyone else? >< This is the second time it's done it to me..

          Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
          Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


            Thanks guys, here is the COA sketch he came with.


            He’s adorable, koshiikitty!

            My dragons got here today too, going to try to make the pictures show up in the post…

            <img src="Red Fire Old Warrior“>

            <img src="Oriental Sun dragon ruby“>

            These are my first OW and sun dragon pieces! While both are amazing, I can see now why the OW is a favorite of many.


            NM found the post on dusting dragons, but what kind of “soft cloth” do people generally use? Is plain cotton ok or do I need a microfiber cloth?


              Personally, I like to use a cheap acrylic paintbrush (the kind with the soft nylon bristles) to dust my Windstones when they get dust in the cracks like that. >.> Otherwise, I use a Swiffer and/or canned air.


              Thanks, kitsunelady. 🙂 I used some clean paintbrushes, and Harry Potter is looking much better (yes, that’s his name because he is red and gold and his little horns look like lightning bolts). But the flash on my camera keeps showing me more spots to dust, so I’m going to dust him in different lighting to get it all. Will post a new pic when he is looking all prim and proper :bigsmile:


                Hey everyone! I have some photos to post 🙂

                the first windstones I bought were in summer 2009, from a garage sale. After I got those 4, I came and joined the forum. Since then, I had stuck mostly to buying windstones from classifieds ads, and a few from thrift stores. At some point, I think near christmas 2010, I started posting art and I ended up doing a whole bunch of trades with people. So I acquired some really gorgeous pieces that way. Then I started stalking the ebay auctions more, and got into a habit of bidding just for fun, though everything went way out of price range. But, luckily, I got the little woven poad, I think she was only $85, so amazing. The first thing I ever bought from the store was a grab bag baby unicorn (yeah we’re talking like, a week ago!) and now I think I am officially addicted. Woohoo!

                I live in an apartment near school, it’s kind of ghetto but I still love it. So I don’t have the most fancy shelving or anything, but I enjoy my collection all the same. My place is full of unicorns and horses, so the dragons really balance things out xD

                Ok, enough babbling, photo time! 😀

                I have a big desk separating my living room and kitchen (which used to all be in one room) and my heavier windstones line the top 🙂

                as you can see, my desk is surrounded by windstoney goodness!

                Big shelf with windstones and my small collection of racehorse plates.

                pegasus family!

                unicorns, and other things.

                I think the peacock scratcher is a bit lonely with all these little guys

                This is sort of the doorway into my apartment. The shelf over on the right has a couple more windstones. OH and on the bottom of the big shelf beside the oven thing, is a gargoyle unicorn. I forgot to take a nicer picture of him.

                Two bookshelf boys… the poor OW was one of the first windstones I bought, but the lady selling him had dropped him or something, his front feet are really broken. He was only $10 though. And I still love him! It’s not really worth shipping him to get fixed though. And, he was a bit lonely so the male went over to keep him company. The male is a bit chipped too.

                But wait, there’s one more!

                can you see him?

                PYO keeper “olive” by Yeral/Hannah! She gets to sit up on the shelf in the kitchen all by herself. She’s very popular among people who come to visit.

                Thanks for looking! I really love this forum, it’s so friendly, I’ve really enjoyed becoming immersed in the collecting over the past year. Hopefully once my exams are over (end of april!) I can do some more windstone-sculpture trades.



                  Was happy to find the wizard cat on Ebay for $35.00 BIN! :party:


                    YAY Koishii!!! I’m so happy for you! You FINALLY got a limited ebay piece and what a BEAUTY!!! ^_^

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      He’s adorable, koshiikitty!

                      My dragons got here today too, going to try to make the pictures show up in the post…

                      <img src="Red Fire Old Warrior“>

                      <img src="Oriental Sun dragon ruby“>

                      These are my first OW and sun dragon pieces! While both are amazing, I can see now why the OW is a favorite of many.

                      Pm’ed you 🙂



                        Congrats to all the Windstones that got new homes, and I love seeing these “home” pictures to see what pieces really look like.

                        Koi, your Silver Young Dragon is just stunning. I actually didn’t like him in the auction pictures, but he is beautiful. I was just comparing him to Windstone’s pictures and noticed something interesting about that auction. The title says he was painted and signed by Olimpia; the description and felt says he was done by Melody.


                          This is true! I was confused when you mentioned Olympia in the email because his felt is signed by Melody.


                            Koi, I see on your COA picture that it mentions being painted by Melody. What does it say higher up on the COA? I once received a COA with the wrong title, sent it back for the corrected COA and was able to keep both sketches. 🙂

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