Seeing if this works! Been a while!

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  • #1605819

      There is an ‘Email Me’ option ppl can use if they wish to request more photos. That way you receive an email directly and when you reply the requestor will receive an email back from you and you can attach your photos to it.


        [postquote quote=1605819][/postquote]

        Yep, that’s fine and I’m totally cool with that 👍🏼


          Welcome back PhoenixTears. I’m sorry to hear your health isn’t doing well.

          Depending on the ebay pieces I *might* have the price you originally paid from when I helped maintain Ravnheart’s price database that sadly no longer exists.


            [postquote quote=1605943][/postquote]
            Thank you for your supportive words & welcome😊 I don’t have but one eBay piece (not a special color, LE or test paint) & I don’t know if that’s still family spoken for (it’s the 1 piece truly up in the air) but if I do list it, considering what I know about it, I know what I’d like to ask.

            I’d spent over 24 straight hours awake, researching this site (very helpful) to figure out exactly what I have, what group it falls in, confirms if those I questioned are in fact retired completely or retired in color at least, what’s out of stock/in stock, names etc which all helps me to come up with starting prices. There’s just a few related pieces that I PMed someone about bc I see online what one of them is going for & general search altogether cannot find these family pieces but who I PMed will, when she can, give me the low down there.

            I don’t say what I have publicly bc I’m FAR from starting to list as there’s much to do before that (find boxes, dust/gussy them up if needed before photographing, then formatting pix to put up etc) & when I did say I was selling due to permanently failing health & mistakenly answered a question to pieces I have, I got dog piled with PMs staking claims when I’m nowhere near ready & lots is hard for me as is. That became overwhelming and I jumped back from the thought of even selling but on the other hand, know I must bc I don’t want to leave my own elderly mom with my medical bills.

            BUT- thank you for the offer. It’s nice to see another familiar face, so to speak, that has great knowledge of WE pieces, especially original & old school pieces/colors. Thanks again!! Great to see you!🤗


              I am sorry that you are not doing well PhoenixTears. Feel free to rant to us. We are good listeners. We even have a thread dedicated to rants major and minor called “Whine is Served” because everyone needs to rant now and then. I hope you improve beyond expectations.


                [postquote quote=1605965][/postquote]
                Awe, thank you. Your sentiments are kind. I’m not going to rant on WE as it’s too much & I don’t have the strength. If I’d rant in Whine, it would be WE related (like it would have been squeaking) or desperate for a piece but my return to WE forum is relatively driven by one thing. But thanks for the opportunity, pointing me in a direction, should I need, & coming by to say hello!


                  I am so sorry you are being overwhelmed.I wish you peace,relax a bit.Everyone needs to give you time .Everyone is just “crazy collectors” and always looking for incredible Windstones.Take your time.If you have questions,just ask.We will help.💞


                    [postquote quote=1605970][/postquote]
                    Thank you for such comforting words. I’m not overwhelmed NOW from members but I am overwhelmed by what I’m undertaking. Tedious; takes a while and strength some may take for granted. But I’m glad to know the majority of members are here to help should/when I need. That’s great teamwork attitude & I’m hoping it all works out great for anyone who comes in when I get going in the future. I think everyone, regardless of state & country, has enough on their plates.
                    Thanks for the comfort🙏🏼🌷

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