Rue Day

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      What fun ahead😁
      Thanks Etruscan.You are a rare gem.

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male day🤞Dream on.


        What Scarletdrite, Suzanne-Marie and Bodine said- thank you! I do enjoy Rue Day!


          You all are welcome. I’m happy to help keep everyone up to date on the adventures of Kade.


          You are amazing, Etruscan 🌸!!
          I can always easily find this thread and am so grateful to never miss a new Rue Day page.
          Thank You !!!
          Warm Big Hugs !!


            Thank you for posting these pages here, Etruscan!
            I try to keep up with posting pages in the “Reptangle” section, but to do so I have to get out my notebook and go through a page-long list of instructions about how to post a new page there! Then the new page usually doesn’t show for some reason, and I need to spend a half hour trying to find what I did wrong… argh.
            So I put it off. Posting pages here is much better!


              Update (for anyone wondering) – Page 52 is being a pain! Last week Melody took a break to work on the hippogriff colt.
              This week … From Melody’s devianArt page:
              Working on Page 52
              Argh! I hate missing my self imposed deadline for posting a page, but page 52 is being impossible. The biggest problem I have is getting the story to fit the page format, I ALWAYS end up running out of room to complete the idea…too much art to cram in… so I need to mull over this page and maybe figure out how to split it into two pages? or edit drastically? Anyway …I need to let it be, and ruminate on it for a while.
              I haven’t been very good about blocking out pages ahead of time for Rueday.


                Still fighting Page 52 …
                Melody says, “Still working on it! Really!!
                It is one of those pages-from-hell that takes me three weeks to wrestle into submission so it fits on a page and then looks simple. It’s like, so what was the problem??
                Didn’t help that I split it into two pages, now I have two pages-from-hell.
                Crowds and mess as backgrounds= bad idea.”


                  Lol. Poor Melody! You need to get your muse out of her cup and give her a stern talking to.
                  Thanks for letting us know Etruscan!


                    Lol. Poor Melody! You need to get your muse out of her cup and give her a stern talking to.

                    Thanks for letting us know Etruscan!

                    You’re welcome. Speaking of Melody’s Muse, perhaps I should post Melody’s comments and drawings about her.
                    From deviantArt, brought to you by Melody’s Muse (aka the mutant Avocado) …

                    Melody says, “The muse is a paint-your-own that is intended as a practice subject to to try out your painting skills. You don’t need to worry about making a mess out of this sculpture, I have already done that for you.
                    I made this sculpture by taking a casting off of a moldy avocado we had sitting in the fruit bowl. She is now a mutant avocado with scales, fins, hair, fur, bumps, warts, gills, feathers, knot work and jewelry… every texture I could think of that I would use on a Paint Your Own sculpture, so that you can practice.
                    This muse has a dual function. As long she has you fixed in her odd-eyed stare, she will NEVER let you forget your creative goals. She has a hole in her beak to hold a motivational sign, or piece of jewelry.
                    A handy paper cup is included with each muse to cover her if her nagging presence keeps you awake at night.”


                    The sign is from a fortune cookie that Melody got.



                      According to Melody’s drawings, the Muse has a mind of her own!





                        I love the muse! I have several stashed around my home in happy little spots. ❤️


                        Awww luv the muse too !!!
                        I have an evil perfection syhynx too


                          OMG! ROFLAO
                          I have a very large Evil Perfection Sphynx, maybe my muse will run it off eventually. It is a real party pooper!


                            Oh, this is awesome! This depiction is so true for many, many things. I’m putting this on my desktop!!!

                            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                              Page 52! Melody says, “Finally. Looks so simple, but this page was a bitch. There is a stray braid out of place… oh well.”

                              From the comments … “[Kade] hasn’t yet hit the bottom of the trouble pit. It may be bottomless.”

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