Ravnheart's Database – Current through June 28, 2009!

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      Peg, you’re amazing!!! Thank you so much for keeping it caught up. That’s a big job!!!


        starbreeze wrote:

        Peg, you’re amazing!!! Thank you so much for keeping it caught up. That’s a big job!!!

        It can be a big job and if it weren’t for Lokie’s help it would have taken me even longer to catch back up after my move in August/Septermber. She graciously offered to help and agreed to take my notes and update the offline version of the database so I only had to worry about the online version. I still maintain the offline version so God fobid the online version goes down there is still a place to get access to the same data. Now that it’s all caught up, I can hopefully keep it within a few days (a week at most) of a sale ending on ebay.


        Pegasi, I have the Burgundy/Gold Old Warrior and Bronze Sun #4. The Old Warrior was 900 before shipping, and the Bronze was 760 before shipping. 😀


          Oh good you found out/remembered the prices! I’ll get those added ASAP.


          I had Pam look up the Bronze for me before, and I thought I pm’d you, but maybe you didn’t get it. The other one was on my Paypal records. The OW was so cheap because the auction had to be pulled early because of the hacker activity, and I was sold it at the high bid before the hacker sucked out my highest bid. 👿


            They are added now. You might have PM’d me and I missed it somehow. It can be easy to do.


            thanks. my bronze is on Ebay now, and some bidders may want to see what I paid, not that it matters that much now, but they may want to know.


              Yay for the database! And you’re welcome, Pegasi. As well as thank you! I’ve become so accustomed to having the database available, that I forget and take for granted the work needed to keep it up. Not only are you responsible for entering the data into the online and offline database, but you’re collecting that data as well. I sure couldn’t handle keeping tabs on Ebay; I get sad seeing all the pretties I can’t afford. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


                If it stays current it’s easy to keep it up to date, it’s just when it gets behind that it is harder to catch back up. Hopefully I won’t have anything like the move from last year any time soon. I was lucky just to be able to grab the data some days.

                And it can be hard seeing all the pieces that sell on ebay. There are times when I see a piece I got and I think to myself, “I wish I had gotten that good a deal.” Then there are the very few pieces left that I want. I watch those and sigh a little when I can’t bid on them. I know I’ll get them one day though I just have to be patient.


                  I was grabbing information from ebay to add to the database and ran across this auction. Did anyone here win it? If you did which small wizard did you choose the peacock or the black?


                    I was just reading about you updating the Database and checked on something I bought but didn’t buy in this thread: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=190302406517 I emailed directly, requested seller invoices, and called (always got voicemail and left messages) for a total of nine attempts to contact the seller and get insurance so I could make payment. Not one reply. The seller either went to that great Windstone Land in the sky or did not want to sell for that price. I vote for the latter. Anyway, your small wizard entry for 4/30/09 for $26 is in question. Technically I bought it, but I never paid for it and filed a complaint with eBay. So is it considered sold for the Database?


                      Oh wow syn789. I’m sorry that you’ve had such a time with that particular piece. Technically he would be considered sold because I usually have no way of knowing when a sale goes bad like that. Since you have come forward and said the sale didn’t go through I’ll make a note of it in the database, thought I won’t remove the entry.

                      I did something similar for the Gold Old Warrior Dragon with Yellow Eyes. He sold at one point, but the sale wasn’t completed because the buyer ended up not being a registered user (probably got hacked or kicked off ebay).


                        Thank you very very much for all your hard work Pegasi1978


                          pegasi1978 wrote:

                          Oh wow syn789. I’m sorry that you’ve had such a time with that particular piece. Technically he would be considered sold because I usually have no way of knowing when a sale goes bad like that. Since you have come forward and said the sale didn’t go through I’ll make a note of it in the database, thought I won’t remove the entry.

                          I did something similar for the Gold Old Warrior Dragon with Yellow Eyes. He sold at one point, but the sale wasn’t completed because the buyer ended up not being a registered user (probably got hacked or kicked off ebay).

                          Wow! $26 doesn’t compare to $850. 🙁 It is easy to find a wizard, but it is hard to find many buyers in that $850 price range. I wish you good luck.


                            syn789 wrote:

                            pegasi1978 wrote:

                            I did something similar for the Gold Old Warrior Dragon with Yellow Eyes. He sold at one point, but the sale wasn’t completed because the buyer ended up not being a registered user (probably got hacked or kicked off ebay).

                            Wow! $26 doesn’t compare to $850. 🙁 It is easy to find a wizard, but it is hard to find many buyers in that $850 price range. I wish you good luck.

                            Oh I’m not the seller of him. I just noticed when I was gathering data for the database that the one time the dragon “sold” it didn’t go through because (as I found out when I clicked on the auction link) the buyer wasn’t a registered user. The dragon has been listed a few times since then and still hasn’t sold. I kind of feel sorry for the seller.

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