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- This topic has 31 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 14 years, 10 months ago by Apari.
September 17, 2009 at 11:39 am #783845
I started this rather random story out of an episode of insomnia with really no intention of finishing it, but was inspired to make a game out of it.
The Rules:#1. Quote the last story passage that has been written, and then continue the story as the muse strikes you.
#2. Anyone may “continue” the story.
#3. Keep it clean, family forum and all that =P
#4. Try to actualy make a continuation of the story, if you go off on a tangent be sure to bring it into focus with something previously written (like in my second part I refer back to something in the first part of the story to keep it connected)
#5. You may post up to two times in a row, try to keep each seperate part to about a paragraph ~5-10min of writing. (I find this sort of thing works best when there is no pre-emptive drafting, just start writing and see where it goes, set a timer, etc.)
#6. No Angry Grammar Bears Allowed!! If we all decide to publish this, then it gets edited, for now just write and don’t worry about AGBs!
#7. HAVE FUN! I would love for a lot of people to join in!She cried. Tears stream down her face as her sobs echo in the empty void of her lovers heart. A hand brushes at her cheeks but she doesn’t know if it is hers or that of a stranger. Though she longs to fade into the darkness she cannot stay still, for danger is looming though she does not know the source. An spiny dread fills her like a dead wind and interupts her inpenitrable sorrow, she must keep moving. In the dark empty space blinds her like the force of an afternoon sun and she stumbles forward towards where she last saw a hole. But what if her persuer lurks before her instead of trapsing behind as she had originaly thought? She pauses, uncertain and the fear mingled with her already collapsed self rises to a panic drowning out the rush of sensation to her left. The howl of anguish and gurgling delight was the last thing that pierced her conciousness before she fell, tumbling down, down, down, for an eternity before the harsh resistance of water flattened her under the force of her assailant before enveloping them both.
September 17, 2009 at 11:39 am #499210October 28, 2009 at 8:47 pm #783846…anxiously pulls up a chair and sits with a hot cup of coffee….
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.November 3, 2009 at 6:23 am #783847woah, someone read this? Cool! Thanks Bodine!
She snapped awake to blinding light, but as it her eyes adjusted she realized she was in a clearing, but it was strange, everything was a shade of creamy whites with a tinge of pinks and reds. The leaves on the trees, each blade of grass, even the rough trunk of the tree she was propped against. “Am I dead?” she thought. But no, her clothes are soaking wet, and she remembers the seemingly endless fall with that horrific beast. Alert now she watches the shadows of the ghostly copse of treas around her…nothing…no shadowy movement, only the silent and lazy trails of leaves drifting to the ground like wafts of cotton. She does not sense danger, she does not sense any other presence near and slowly lets the tension fade from her strafed muscles. She looks around once more, this time more discerning of her surroundings. There is no sky but the great snowy cannopies of the interlaced branches of the trees from the edge of the clearing that intermingle with those of the lone sentinal from which she awoke. There seems to be no exit from the clearing as the foliage is too thick and entangled to eke past though at first glance the way seems open. Under her bare feet the crystaline blades of grass caress her feet like goose down though they appear to be shards of glass that would shred anything that gazed upon them….
November 3, 2009 at 1:25 pm #783848😀 yes,and…..
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.November 3, 2009 at 1:26 pm #783849Have you studied Tolkien’s writings?
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.November 4, 2009 at 2:43 am #783850Not studied, but I’ve of course read the Hobbit and LotR trilogy, couldn’t stomach most of his other stuff, was too technical LoL He really was a brilliant linguist. I’ll write more as it comes, this isn’t a planned out thing, I wrote the first part during a night of insomnia, so there is not “story” just random imaging that may formulate into something down the line….I’m more than happy to do the swap off game, where I write something, then someone else writes something to continue the story, and so on, but for now it’s just random ditherings! =P Try not to hold your breath, the muse isn’t frequently upon me LoL
November 4, 2009 at 3:16 am #783851Cool stuff.
November 4, 2009 at 3:29 am #783852Funny, I do things like this myself. There are several ‘stories’ that I’m working on when the ‘muse’ hits me. Sometimes I’m just in an mood and the words come–then a story comes. I’ve always had an imagination even as a child and would make up stories of people I saw or things I heard my mother talk about. Even dreams have given me the start of a story.
Well, Cat, if your lines inspire a story within me, I’ll sure post it.
November 4, 2009 at 4:15 am #783853LadyFirebird wrote:Funny, I do things like this myself. There are several ‘stories’ that I’m working on when the ‘muse’ hits me. Sometimes I’m just in an mood and the words come–then a story comes. I’ve always had an imagination even as a child and would make up stories of people I saw or things I heard my mother talk about. Even dreams have given me the start of a story.
Well, Cat, if your lines inspire a story within me, I’ll sure post it.
Sweet! Please do! I really loved that part about English class, where they tell you to start a story, have like 5 min to just write, then you have to pass it to your neighbor and they have 5 min to continue the story etc. etc. it’s fun to see how it works out in the end! Or if it ever ends! If ANYONE is interested in doing something like this, please just quote the last entry made and continue the story, for a paragraph and leave a “…” for the next person! I don’t think too many people would be writing at the same time so it should work smoothly…Gonna change the title of the thread too to try and attract more interest!
November 5, 2009 at 3:50 am #783854Nirvanacat13 wrote:woah, someone read this? Cool! Thanks Bodine!
She snapped awake to blinding light, but as it her eyes adjusted she realized she was in a clearing, but it was strange, everything was a shade of creamy whites with a tinge of pinks and reds. The leaves on the trees, each blade of grass, even the rough trunk of the tree she was propped against. “Am I dead?” she thought. But no, her clothes are soaking wet, and she remembers the seemingly endless fall with that horrific beast. Alert now she watches the shadows of the ghostly copse of treas around her…nothing…no shadowy movement, only the silent and lazy trails of leaves drifting to the ground like wafts of cotton. She does not sense danger, she does not sense any other presence near and slowly lets the tension fade from her strafed muscles. She looks around once more, this time more discerning of her surroundings. There is no sky but the great snowy cannopies of the interlaced branches of the trees from the edge of the clearing that intermingle with those of the lone sentinal from which she awoke. There seems to be no exit from the clearing as the foliage is too thick and entangled to eke past though at first glance the way seems open. Under her bare feet the crystaline blades of grass caress her feet like goose down though they appear to be shards of glass that would shred anything that gazed upon them….
Then slowly, slowly, slowly she sank into the ground. It was as if the earth opened her arms and invited her in. She laid back against the tree and everything around her embraced her, the leaves, the grass with the light on her face. Though her clothes were wet she felt no chill but the warmth of being wrapped in a blanket. I’ve been here before, she thought, all this is so familiar–like out of a dream! Where, where which dream? Her troubles seemed far away and then, it happened…she sat straight up to the sun kissing her face and being showered and carassed with the colorful leaves from above. The canopies gave way and there above her was a brilliant sky! She felt as though she were being ignited and her whole body burned fiercely like a raging bonfire! She delighted in its warmth and felt a transformation taking place. The fire was not melting butter but making steel and it filled her with a steely resolve to nevermore–nevermore….
November 6, 2009 at 6:12 am #783855LadyFirebird wrote:[Then slowly, slowly, slowly she sank into the ground. It was as if the earth opened her arms and invited her in. She laid back against the tree and everything around her embraced her, the leaves, the grass with the light on her face. Though her clothes were wet she felt no chill but the warmth of being wrapped in a blanket. I’ve been here before, she thought, all this is so familiar–like out of a dream! Where, where which dream? Her troubles seemed far away and then, it happened…she sat straight up to the sun kissing her face and being showered and carassed with the colorful leaves from above. The canopies gave way and there above her was a brilliant sky! She felt as though she were being ignited and her whole body burned fiercely like a raging bonfire! She delighted in its warmth and felt a transformation taking place. The fire was not melting butter but making steel and it filled her with a steely resolve to nevermore–nevermore….
Nevermore take those pills in that combination again! Her ears were freakin burning and her feet would not stop tingling. She gazed upon the sky and wondered “How the heck did I get here? And how do I get back?” But back to where? She had no memories before leaning up against that tree trunk. Upside down. Her skirt fluttering down around her armpits. She smelled faintly of wet dog… or maybe oily scales (the scents are somewhat similar, believe it or not) and her head throbbed softly. As she gained her feet she made a descision… she could not remain here indefinately. She would sally forth at dusk towards the setting sun in search of…
Sorry if I screwed up your story guys. I just wanted to give it a try. 🙂
November 6, 2009 at 4:02 pm #783856Oh no Ski, you didn’t. I don’t think any of us really knows where this story is going–Cat just invited us to write what the ‘Muse’ inspires us…don’t have to be a writer or spell good…but your addition will certainly be an interesting turn–Love it! 😆
November 6, 2009 at 8:04 pm #783857LadyFirebird wrote:Oh no Ski, you didn’t. I don’t think any of us really knows where this story is going–Cat just invited us to write what the ‘Muse’ inspires us…don’t have to be a writer or spell good…but your addition will certainly be an interesting turn–Love it! 😆
EXACTLY!!! Thanks for chiming in Ski! This is gonna be awesome! This poor girl though LoL I have a feeling she’s going to be put through the ringer!
November 7, 2009 at 12:54 pm #783858answering that quiet voice..the one in her head.She could faintly hear it but she could feel it,sense it deep in her soul.Some far away call,pushing her onward.She couldn’t quite make it out but it drove her forward.What was it trying to tell her?Where was she?Her memory was vague but she remembered his touch.Was this all just a dream? She felt so lost and alone.How she missed her loved one.If it were not for that little voice she could not identify in herself,she would have just stayed there under that tree in the deep quiet of the forest all around… but it wouldn’t let her.The sunshine and warmth faded away swiftly as the night came upon her all too soon. She knew she must go.Night had come and she had to leave the comfort of the forest. She walked on,slowly at first,watching the night grow deeper as the sun set low in the horizon.Suddenly,out of nowhere,a huge rush of wind ,chilling her to the bones….
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on. -
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