R.I.P. Amadeus "Old Butt" 02-01-2010

Home Forums Miscellany Community R.I.P. Amadeus "Old Butt" 02-01-2010

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    i’m so sorry!!! that must be one of the most difficult things to do. he is in a better place now and in no pain. *big, big hugs*


      I’m so sorry hun.


        Big HUGE {{HUGGLES}} I’m sooo sorry 🙁

        twindragonsmum 🙁



          I’m so sorry. ***big hugs***


          Very sorry for your loss. 🙁 I’m glad he had a good long life with you.


            So sorry about your loss! I’ve had to make this decision in the past and it is never easy! Sending warms hugs and comforting thoughts your way.


              I’m so sorry for your loss hun. 🙁




              I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁 Letting go is never easy, but you can take comfort knowing you did him one last kindness. *big hugs*


                I’m SOOOO sorry to ready this
                it’s never easy to lose a fur child but you KNOW you gave him the BEST hoe/family he coudl have EVER had


                  I’m so sorry


                    😥 All our Hearts go out to you Dear.Just remember,you gave your furbaby a long,happy,wonderful life,loved very dearly and it will be remembered that way for all time :yes:

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                    I know…It’s still hard. I cried over my car for months…I can’t imagine how long it will be until I can look around the house and not see him chasing a ball out of the corner of my eye, or hear him meowing for canned food, or constantly walking back and forth over my lap until I finally snatch him up and hug him and kiss the top of his head until he purrs. Poor Sylvester is taking it really hard too since he was the one who did EVERYTHING but eat and poop for OB for the last 6 months or so. I have 4 more cats around here, and I love them all just as much, but I will be seeing OB’s “ghosts” out of the corner of my eye for a while I think. I woke up this morning I swear I could hear him meowing… 😥

                    Thanks everyone. All the hugs and such are worth a million dollars right now. (Even the Huggies DM. 😉 )


                      Oh no WindstoneCollector, that is terrible. *offers big giant hug* That must have been a hard decision to make, but at least he is no longer suffering and continue to watch over you. He had a phenomenal owner and lived a long, happy life. Time will help lessen the pain and he will always live on in your heart.


                        bodine6127 wrote:

                        😥 All our Hearts go out to you Dear.Just remember,you gave your furbaby a long,happy,wonderful life,loved very dearly and it will be remembered that way for all time :yes:

                        Mos def.

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