R.I.P. Amadeus "Old Butt" 02-01-2010

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    But, now we have another problem…It’s a problem needing an attitude adjustment I hope. Charlie, Glen’s (My son) cat, has gone to peeing in the sinks and dogs food bowls. 😡 Scott is the only one catching him, but I can see it as “Anything is possible in this house” syndrome. 🙄


      Whew! Glad that he is getting better!

      As for the other kitty peeing where its not suppost to…. sounds like he’s being a rebel… sometimes cats can be butts to get a point across…. 😕


      Yeah, that is why I am hoping it is just a case of “attitude adjustment needed”. :scratch:


      I’m wondering if the other cat is responding like this because the older cat’s urine would smell different because of the medicine. Add to that the thought that the old cat went to the vet, and if they did anything to him, that would alter his smell, too. Whenever any of mine go to the vet, they usually get a not so welcome home greeting with hissing and dirty looks for a few days.
      Just a thought…..


      tasgrs wrote:

      I’m wondering if the other cat is responding like this because the older cat’s urine would smell different because of the medicine. Add to that the thought that the old cat went to the vet, and if they did anything to him, that would alter his smell, too. Whenever any of mine go to the vet, they usually get a not so welcome home greeting with hissing and dirty looks for a few days.
      Just a thought…..

      Nah, I think Charlie is just put out of continence literally because Glen is 15 now, and Charlie is in his terrible 2’s stage. Not so much attention from, “The Boy” and attitude is getting him into trouble he probably wishes he wasn’t getting into. :scratch:


        I am happy to hear that your kitty has recovered, and hope that the other cat ends his rebellious stage soon.


          Yay! I’m so thankful to hear your kitty is doing better now. 🙂 As for the other one, hopefully those habits can get worked out soon!


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          But, now we have another problem…It’s a problem needing an attitude adjustment I hope. Charlie, Glen’s (My son) cat, has gone to peeing in the sinks and dogs food bowls. 😡 Scott is the only one catching him, but I can see it as “Anything is possible in this house” syndrome. 🙄

          Mm. Another possibility is that Charlie has a bladder infection. I know the last thing you need to hear right now is More Trouble in Bladderland, but it would be worth taking Charlie down to have his urine checked. Cats seem to be convinced that “if I pee on the right object all my pain will go away.” It’s often true, although it usually comes by way of a visit to the vet . . . which wasn’t what the cat had intended . . . .


          Barrdwing wrote:

          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          But, now we have another problem…It’s a problem needing an attitude adjustment I hope. Charlie, Glen’s (My son) cat, has gone to peeing in the sinks and dogs food bowls. 😡 Scott is the only one catching him, but I can see it as “Anything is possible in this house” syndrome. 🙄

          Mm. Another possibility is that Charlie has a bladder infection. I know the last thing you need to hear right now is More Trouble in Bladderland, but it would be worth taking Charlie down to have his urine checked. Cats seem to be convinced that “if I pee on the right object all my pain will go away.” It’s often true, although it usually comes by way of a visit to the vet . . . which wasn’t what the cat had intended . . . .
          XD XD XD No kidding…I can see it now from the cat’s point of view! It seems to be an anti-Scott movement as he only does it when Scott is home. The worst part is that I think perhaps Scott caught him and maybe smacked Charlie and this is an alpha male war. 🙄
          So far, everyone seems to be normal, except for Scott who has a bad cold and is going to his last 3 days work for the next 3 months. *sigh* It seems jsut as things are looking up someone always has to come along and pee in the Wheaties around here. 😕


            Here kitty,kitty,kitty…..*snickers Charlie* 😈

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            …..someone always has to come along and pee in the Wheaties around here. 😕

            Shhhh….better not give him any more ideas! XD


              Oh no an alpha male fight.


              After 17 years of being with us, and putting up a valiant fight, and hanging on long enough for me to say goodbye, I took him to the vet yesterday afternoon and he was diagnosed with almost complete renal failure. I told him I loved him and did what I thought best as I couldn’t see slapping bandaids over a gushing wound to keep him here with me. I couldn’t stand to see him suffer, and he was NOT the same cat yesterday at all as he has always been. I will miss him always. 😥
              I’m going to do a quick errand and then I am taking myself back to bed as I didn’t sleep much lastnight and I look like I have bug eyes.
              Thank you everyone who wished me and him luck through all this. I really appreciated it.


                Oh, no! It was a hard choice, but in the end, you did the right thing. Big hugs!!!

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Like dragonmedly said, it’s hard, but you made the right choice for him. 😥 ((hugs))

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