Quest 11 – VOTING – CLOSED

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest 11 – VOTING – CLOSED

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      There are a few in these entries that look like professional photographs! Very nice! I love the ones with the fine details and interesting angles. I am just wondering, are we supposed to vote based on the technique and quality of the photograph like a real photography contest or is this just more voting on ones we happen to like?

      Either way I don’t stand much of a chance. XP
      Oh well, at least the prize will definitely go to someone who deserves it.

      Well, remember, all the valid entries that do not win will go into a second-chance drawing for a smaller prize. It’s just a random draw, but everyone has a fair shake at it and we didn’t get THAT many submissions. 🙂


      THat’s true haha, i’ll try to be a bit more optimistic. my chances look non-existent for this main poll >.< my own fault, didn't take good enough pictures I suppose lol!


        I already figured I’d have stiff competition, but wow! Great job, everyone- and I literally mean everyone! Amazing. No matter who wins, it was well-earned.

        I want to know how some of you managed to find what appear to be actual large dinosaur structures of some sort, in the freakin’ forest. Do tell once the contest is over.


          I didn’t enter (of course), but I know a lot of amusement parks and zoos have the large dinos statues. 🙂


          I loved seeing everyone’s photos! I narrowed my vote down to about 7, then 4, then 2, and then had to figure out some criteria for a tie-breaker. And i didn’t consider my own, hehe, just the way i play. So many lovely and creative pictures, thanks for sharing them everyone!


          I hope, that poor dog has learned it;s lesson, and not been messding with anymore porcupines!


            I know a lot of amusement parks and zoos have the large dinos statues.

            Oh, with foresty areas? Huh. That’s cool. I’ve never found a place like that in either of the states I’ve lived. 🙁 Not that I’ve been around the entire state(s ).

            By the way, this is my 100th post! Booyah!


              I voted based on creativity in approaching the subjects. I figured this was the most fair way to vote, as some of these were taken with better cameras/lenses than others, and I know not everyone can afford a decent camera! 🙂

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                I know a lot of amusement parks and zoos have the large dinos statues.

                Oh, with foresty areas? Huh. That’s cool. I’ve never found a place like that in either of the states I’ve lived. 🙁 Not that I’ve been around the entire state(s ).

                By the way, this is my 100th post! Booyah!

                Congrats on the 100th post!

                I live in Oregon – there are forests EVERYWHERE! LOL You can’t avoid the darned things! (I like them honestly). Our zoo has a dino trail with huge animatronic dinos. I’m trying to think of where the other place was I took some dino photos with my kids, but I can’t remember. I’ll have to find the pictures and see if that helps me remember!


                  I am having such a hard time deciding on votes! Some really great shots were submitted! Loved looking through them all 🙂


                    Hmmm… Looks like there could end up being a tie! What will be the tie breaker?


                      Hmmm… Looks like there could end up being a tie! What will be the tie breaker?

                      If there is a tie, a judging panel will be assembled and Windstone will select the winner.


                        I live in Oregon – there are forests EVERYWHERE! LOL You can’t avoid the darned things!

                        Oh there are forests in CA and CO too, just not in the amusement parks!


                          I love all these photos, also love the Epcot love in one of the submissions!


                            Bumping this up – voting ends tomorrow! 🙂

                            AND – the winner will get their pick of one of these two lovely emps!

                            Silver Emerald Peacock (painted by Melody):

                             photo _MG_0231b_zps61a8ece7.jpg

                            Barnswallow (painted by P.S.):
                             photo _MG_0182b_zpsc2ab10f0.jpg

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