A WIP Keeper. He’s taking so forever ugh. He’s based off of the “Untitled” green dragon in my gallery that I did for Mmloda some time ago.
I hope to have him done soon >_<
Looking good! Don’t they take forever to complete? Been working on mine all weekend and boy…. Almost done though! Similar colors, but definitely a different take. 🙂 Can’t wait to see yours complete!
Lovely so far. I’m liking the keeper in the background to :wink:.
Thanks everyone!
The one in the background was started about 2 weeks ago. He’s suppose to be in a tiger color when finished… if he doesn’t go wayward during painting, that is! Sometimes they just take on a mind of their own while being painted.
Finished! But I took my time, so the sunlight is now gone. So for now I just have dusk pictures of him. They’re pretty bad lol. I’ll get some sun photos tomorrow for all his sparkle-ness.
He’ll be on ebay tomorrow after I take better pictures (unless someone here fancy’s him here before he gets to ebay).
Finished! But I took my time, so the sunlight is now gone. So for now I just have dusk pictures of him. They’re pretty bad lol. I’ll get some sun photos tomorrow for all his sparkle-ness. He’ll be on ebay tomorrow after I take better pictures (unless someone here fancy’s him here before he gets to ebay).
With flash. Drowns out the cream color…
Your new green dragon looks beautiful, reminds me of a young forest inhabitant, just looks like a newly sprouted dragon-in-the-green with innocence about him! Nice job and I love the pic above 🙂