Pricing on new colors

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    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    Yeah…I remember way back when…LOL! 😆
    The prices go up every year, but the amount of dealers go down…hence inflation is what I am betting on too. But doesn’t matter to me, next year I hope to double my income and become one with Nirvana!!! 😉 😉

    I don’t think you’d wake from the nirvana of that experience…..I’ve put Louis into a coma like sleep before 😉 Lucky for me he woke up the next morning! LoL
    Were you mad at him? 😯


      dragonessjade wrote:

      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Yeah…I remember way back when…LOL! 😆
      The prices go up every year, but the amount of dealers go down…hence inflation is what I am betting on too. But doesn’t matter to me, next year I hope to double my income and become one with Nirvana!!! 😉 😉

      I don’t think you’d wake from the nirvana of that experience…..I’ve put Louis into a coma like sleep before 😉 Lucky for me he woke up the next morning! LoL
      Were you mad at him? 😯
      Somehow I don’t think there was ANY anger involved…AT ALL 😀


        dragonessjade wrote:

        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        Yeah…I remember way back when…LOL! 😆
        The prices go up every year, but the amount of dealers go down…hence inflation is what I am betting on too. But doesn’t matter to me, next year I hope to double my income and become one with Nirvana!!! 😉 😉

        I don’t think you’d wake from the nirvana of that experience…..I’ve put Louis into a coma like sleep before 😉 Lucky for me he woke up the next morning! LoL
        Were you mad at him? 😯

        I’m betting that she meant he was sore in the morning, but unhurt. 8)


        ROFLMAO 😆 😆
        If you were only my type…
        (Unless you are male, and not like Richard Simmons male either!! 😛 )
        (Besides I meant your collecting skills, not the male thought for “becomming one” 😆 )
        Sheesh 🙄


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          ROFLMAO 😆 😆
          If you were only my type…
          (Unless you are male, and not like Richard Simmons male either!! 😛 )
          (Besides I meant your collecting skills, not the male thought for “becomming one” 😆 )
          Sheesh 🙄

          I know, I know, but I DO have a reputation to live up to….as stated on the previous page….

          And Jade, no, I was definately NOT mad at him, he gave me my very first ever pair of diamond earings…I repaid him kindly 😉


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            ROFLMAO 😆 😆
            If you were only my type…
            (Unless you are male, and not like Richard Simmons male either!! 😛 )
            (Besides I meant your collecting skills, not the male thought for “becomming one” 😆 )
            Sheesh 🙄

            I know, I know, but I DO have a reputation to live up to….as stated on the previous page….

            And Jade, no, I was definately NOT mad at him, he gave me my very first ever pair of diamond earings…I repaid him kindly 😉
            If she was mad at him he would not have woken up!! EVER!!


              Dragon Master wrote:

              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              ROFLMAO 😆 😆
              If you were only my type…
              (Unless you are male, and not like Richard Simmons male either!! 😛 )
              (Besides I meant your collecting skills, not the male thought for “becomming one” 😆 )
              Sheesh 🙄

              I know, I know, but I DO have a reputation to live up to….as stated on the previous page….

              And Jade, no, I was definately NOT mad at him, he gave me my very first ever pair of diamond earings…I repaid him kindly 😉
              If she was mad at him he would not have woken up!! EVER!!

              Pretty much


                I figured that part out in your first week here!!


                  Im glad you two are talking again, by the way! 😀


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Im glad you two are talking again, by the way! 😀

                    We never really stopped it was all a misunderstanding (at least I hope it was??)
                    We are all here becasue we all LOVE Windstone and that is all that should matter. That is our common thread in life. We are a family and sometimes in families you have issues but you get over them and forgive and forget


                      Meh? I don’t think we ever stopped talking either….I never noticed anyway LoL


                        very KEWL

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