Poad Clutters

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  • #910421

      Thank you, Rock-reader! I never dreamed I’d end up with such pretty poads since originally I was only going to collect the peacock family, then rainbow family and soon I expanded to poads & GBY’s. These Windstone are ADDICTIVE! Soon I’ll need “de-tox”. :party:

      LOL Good luck with that.LOL
      Nice clutter! 🙂

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


      Here’s my itty bitty pair of poads, if it can even be called a clutter XD Someday, someday I’ll get an adult poad to join them. When I find one i can afford XD

      It’s my Quest 12 participation prize tadpoad, who i nick named ‘Hawaii’, and a signed LP young peach poad


        I love your “Hawaii” tadpoad, Sirithiliel. Colors are gorgous.


          Thanks, Bodine. I think my pocket-book might put the damper on expansion of my collection. :bigsmile:


          I love your “Hawaii” tadpoad, Sirithiliel. Colors are gorgous.

          Thanks! I was so surprised when i got her, wasn’t expecting it. she has little gold toe nails too <3 just a gorgeous tadpoad.


            I love your “Hawaii” tadpoad, Sirithiliel. Colors are gorgous.

            Thanks! I was so surprised when i got her, wasn’t expecting it. she has little gold toe nails too <3 just a gorgeous tadpoad.

            Hawaii is a perfect name.Mine is Calypso with all her swirls.There used to be a crazy park ride down here called Calypso and I loved it.Made yours eyes pop out that wide too 😀

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


            I love your “Hawaii” tadpoad, Sirithiliel. Colors are gorgous.

            Thanks! I was so surprised when i got her, wasn’t expecting it. she has little gold toe nails too <3 just a gorgeous tadpoad.

            Hawaii is a perfect name.Mine is Calypso with all her swirls.There used to be a crazy park ride down here called Calypso and I loved it.Made yours eyes pop out that wide too 😀

            She definitely reminds me of hte hawaii color scheme. And when i first saw her, I thought her eye feather was a palm frond for some reason. Now i see it’s a feather, but I still get a tropical vibe from her ^.^ She’s my most treasured windstone piece now, and some day i’ll get her an adult poad to be friends with =D


            And I got an adult poad thanks to a kind forum member! A gray bengal adult poad signed by Melody ^.^


              YAY!Congrats Siri!

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


              Thanks! It turns out my husband actually really likes poads XD so I might have to keep my eye out for sales of them


                I love your “Hawaii” tadpoad, Sirithiliel. Colors are gorgous.

                Thanks! I was so surprised when i got her, wasn’t expecting it. she has little gold toe nails too <3 just a gorgeous tadpoad.

                Hawaii is a perfect name.Mine is Calypso with all her swirls.There used to be a crazy park ride down here called Calypso and I loved it.Made yours eyes pop out that wide too 😀

                She definitely reminds me of hte hawaii color scheme. And when i first saw her, I thought her eye feather was a palm frond for some reason. Now i see it’s a feather, but I still get a tropical vibe from her ^.^ She’s my most treasured windstone piece now, and some day i’ll get her an adult poad to be friends with =D


                And I got an adult poad thanks to a kind forum member! A gray bengal adult poad signed by Melody ^.^

                Nice clutter Siri!

                Life is beautiful.


                  I finally wrangled my Clutter up for a photo op with the arrival of the smallest member.

                  Please pardon the somewhat washed out color, it’s so overcast outside I had to make due with indoors.

                   photo stuffinthings102_zps394151bf.jpg

                   photo stuffinthings100_zpsfa7c0702.jpg

                   photo stuffinthings101_zps4e0e088f.jpg


                  Ooooh your two natural colored poads are gorgeous!


                    here’s my little clutter!


                      Oooh!!! Those are beautiful, Ciarnet


                        here’s my little clutter!

                        FINN! She looks sooo beautiful in pictures!! 😀 I got a tiny pang when I saw her – I miss her, but I am so glad she’s in such a loving home (and is surrounded by more beautiful Poads!). Your little purple tadpoad is adorable!

                        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

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