Pink Secret Keepers?

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    Melody wrote:

    ddvm wrote:

    Are there any plans for other colors? Black gold, maybe? Or emerald peacock?

    I can’t paint them Emerald Peacock because I did those as a limited edition. Were the black golds limited edition? I’ll need to find out before we do those.I may need to invent new limited production colors for these.
    Pink? What?

    Oh,oh…*raises hand* Something with alot of darker purples? Pink would be a pretty girly color for the largest female dragon I know too…But, I’d have to pass on that much pink, but I’d go for a pink fledgie. 😆


      We are down to the very last few SK castings. We were going to paint them Peacock for the few people who missed getting one in that color and wanted one…OR we could paint them something else… I need to decide, what do you think?


        Melody wrote:

        We are down to the very last few SK castings. We were going to paint them Peacock for the few people who missed getting one in that color and wanted one…OR we could paint them something else… I need to decide, what do you think?

        I think painting them in Peacock for those who missed the first release would be really, really sweet of you.


          I’d personally love to see a Black Violet Peacock SK (I’ve only seen a BEP but I could be wrong). But then again, it would be nice for everyone who missed out to get a Peacock and I’m sure there’s more demand for it. I’m sure if I missed out on the Peacock, I’d be voting for more. It’s never fun to miss out on something.

          The pink idea does sound sorta fun though but I think I’d only buy it if it was a nice pale pink mixed with white pearl or something. Actually, I’d definately buy it then. 🙂


            Flame SKs! (like my OW)

            (Well this is Arlla’s photo)

            or Brown!

            or Emerald!!



              Are these going to be replenished as they get bought?
              I’m LOVE to evenyually get a SK in every production color I can.
              Is there a reason they are over double the Emperors but only about 3″ taller?

              I LOVE that they are for regular sale but at $850 it’s still VERY high. I have WAY too many items still on my wish list


                Melody, I can’t purchase an SK at this time, so without bias, I recommend that you paint whatever color you have the most chance of selling before the move. If that’s peacock, then paint peacock. If it isn’t, I’m sure the rest of the peacock fans will happily buy one later, once you get set up in your new place. The important thing is to avoid lugging them all the way to Oregon. 🙂


                starbreeze wrote:

                Melody, I can’t purchase an SK at this time, so without bias, I recommend that you paint whatever color you have the most chance of selling before the move. If that’s peacock, then paint peacock. If it isn’t, I’m sure the rest of the peacock fans will happily buy one later, once you get set up in your new place. The important thing is to avoid lugging them all the way to Oregon. 🙂

                agreed 🙂 (although the buying one later for me is going to be years O.O)


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  Is there a reason they are over double the Emperors [price] but only about 3″ taller?

                  Melody wrote:

                  We wanted to make them hollow so that the SKs could be a piece that we could wholesale to stores. I think that this price would be very close to the retail price even if they were hollow. Most of the cost is in the painting, though some is material and handling. Gad, those are heavy!

                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Melody, I can’t purchase an SK at this time, so without bias, I recommend that you paint whatever color you have the most chance of selling before the move. If that’s peacock, then paint peacock. If it isn’t, I’m sure the rest of the peacock fans will happily buy one later, once you get set up in your new place. The important thing is to avoid lugging them all the way to Oregon. 🙂

                  I agree with this as well, but will toss in a note that it might be nice to see the SK in the other production colors as well (Emerald, Ruby, Black Gold, Brown, Green and Red Fire).


                    starbreeze wrote:

                    Melody, I can’t purchase an SK at this time, so without bias, I recommend that you paint whatever color you have the most chance of selling before the move. If that’s peacock, then paint peacock. If it isn’t, I’m sure the rest of the peacock fans will happily buy one later, once you get set up in your new place. The important thing is to avoid lugging them all the way to Oregon. 🙂

                    +1 (err, +3 or 4 by now)


                    Personally, I would vote for black golds!


                      I think doing a few of the “classic” colors would be neat…perhaps brown, or emerald…I dont think either of those have been done yet at all. Although I know there’s the paint issue, I’d love to eventually see her in old green. 🙂 🙂


                      I agree with most here, and vote for Peacock for the last Secret Keepers, since they sold out the fastest and there were some who missed them. I would love to see the Secret Keeper in Red Fire!


                        Personally, I would love to see one in Pink or Red Fire.
                        I think they would sell equally as fast.


                          WolfenMachine wrote:

                          Flame SKs! (like my OW)

                          (Well this is Arlla’s photo)

                          or Brown!

                          or Emerald!!


                          Ahh!! 😀 Did you end up with my flame OW? :D:D I do miss that guy…

                          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                          -J R R Tolkien

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