Photo Contest!

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      GHAAAAAA I can’t decide!!! Phooy……How long do we have to vote??????

      I limited my poll to 14 days. I’m not sure if it’s same with this one that Nam fixed for me, but voting ends on the 27th.

      I kept all your parameters the same, so yes! 14 days. 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      Thanks, Nam. You’re great.


      The 27th , eh? The little guy is staring down at me from the top of my computer desk, “Don’t even think about picking up that purple feather duster!”
      But all in all it’s all good; time will be needed to take in the poll. Is there a way to count votes / voter? Any way, great job everybody.


      I was wondering whether 2 weeks might be excessive, but I gave folks two weeks to get their art in, so I figured it’d work.
      The percentages show up if you click on “View Results” below the poll, so I can proclaim the winner from that. Looks like “Reach” is the major favorite. 😀


        I’m dying to know who took “Reach” and what exposure/camera/etc. they used!


        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        I’m dying to know who took “Reach” and what exposure/camera/etc. they used!

        I agree….and EXACTLY “where” that photo was taken! It rocks! 😀


        😆 😈 I’ll tell what I know when the contest is over, and the photographers can explain their art themselves.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        😆 😈 I’ll tell what I know when the contest is over, and the photographers can explain their art themselves.

        Sounds like a plan 😉


          I really like the Marshlands photo! What a pretty shot! I love the white grassy things, like poofy feathers! So cool 🙂 I want to roll in them!

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Nambroth wrote:

          I really like the Marshlands photo! What a pretty shot! I love the white grassy things, like poofy feathers! So cool 🙂 I want to roll in them!

          I agree! They look sooooooooo soft! I just wanna touch them and pet them LOL 😆 😀


          I know I should be impartial, and I’m actually glad I’m hosting this so I don’t have to choose a favorite. Of course, if I did vote I’d go for “Dawn” because the theme is my favorite. (Duh.) But as far as artiness goes… I don’t even want to choose my favorite.


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          I was wondering whether 2 weeks might be excessive, but I gave folks two weeks to get their art in, so I figured it’d work.
          The percentages show up if you click on “View Results” below the poll, so I can proclaim the winner from that. Looks like “Reach” is the major favorite. 😀

          In retro-spect I see that 14 days is not a long time, as we only have 32 votes cast, out of a possible
          ( what is the membership count?) I’ll try to repay your efforts somehow , as I do appreciate your help.


          Aw, I’m glad to help. Don’t worry about repaying. This forum deserves all the friendliness it can get. 😀
          I think if we keep this bumped up most people will vote. The choices are tough to choose between, but still…


            Don’t forget to vote! 😀


            Thanks for bumping this up, LIH. Folks, please vote – even if it is a tough choice! 😀

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