Password Protected Re-stocks & Waitlists

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      Thank you Etruscan for answering that question! Here are some more details:

      If we do a “normal restock” where you receive a “The item you are waiting for is back in stock” email, automatically generated and sent to everyone on the waitlist when we restock the item, if the items sells out before you purchase it, you will need to rejoin the waitlist. If we do a “password protected restock” I personally send an email explaining how to order and the circumstances dictate whether we retain the old waitlist or clear it out and ask everyone to rejoin – If we clear it out, I try to remember to send an email to that effect – letting you know that you will need to rejoin the waitlist if you are still interested in the item. It is also possible to “manage” your waitlisted items! If you go into your Windstone account and go to “shop” you will find a “waitlists” selection where you can see what you have waitlisted and remove anything you no longer want.

      We are doing fewer password protected restocks currently because items are currently not selling out super fast and the password protected procedure is labor intensive for our small staff. I apologize to anyone who has waited for a long time for something that we restock the normal way only to have it sell out before you can purchase one. Its very hard for us to predict which items might do that, and which won’t. This Fall you will mostly see it only used on Secret Keeper Dragons.

      I hope this information is helpful to everyone! If you have any questions, the quickest way to get an answer from me is by email to -Susie

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