Packing Peanuts

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      You can moisten the cornstarch peanuts (which, by the way, we call foo foos) and stick them together and build things like igloos out of them!

      Please don’t eat our foo foos – I pick them up off the floor all the time. Haven’t have a mouse in the shop in over a year – so don’t freak out about that!


        Ever put some acetone on a synthetic one? -Or lay a piece of sculpey on it?

        At work, yes 🙂 We discovered that they completely disappear when acetone hits them (the first time was accidental, after that…not so much)

        Never tried the sculpey though.

        …I actually really hate packing peanuts in any way shape or form. The synthetic ones especially, but just…ack, I don’t like them.


        I rather promptly found out they were non-toxic after my stubborn Siamese decided to shred the bag they were in and eat about half of it. An emergancy run to the vet later and all was well. She still stalks the closet I lock them in when a new Windstone comes into the house. She’s a tad bit obsessive.

        My cats will get into my open boxes in the attic in the door is not shut tight and I find them all half eaten, melted, and sticky over the house when I get home from work.

        *giggles* ….. And I thought only my furry beasties were weirdo’s! I find a stray sticky peanut stuck to carpet every so often too. I thought I had cleaned them all up and packed them away, …then I find another! …the kitty’s must have a “stash” somewhere that I do not know about. 😛

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