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      Tell me about it. My husbands dog, Xena is almost 13 and he has had her since she was a pup. My mom wrote the other day and after several trips to the vet, turns out she has liver cancer that has spread to her lungs. She probably has less than a week left and my husband is not due home till next month. He wont even get to say goodbye. 😥 I feel so bad for him.


      Hey, I wish you luck on your trip! Enjoy a day home because you guys rock & SO deserve it! It’s an ORDER!! 😀


      So here I am at midnight… unable to sleep… wanting to go on a packing-frenzy with nothing left to pack… 5 hours till i sign out.. gahh!! I feel nekkid!! I dont have a rifle anymore… lol ima like wake up later and spazz out while half asleep looking for the darn thing… 😆

      @ skigod – oh no..! 🙁 cancer is the worst. Thats what got my one russian blue kitty, she was around 14ish we think (we adopted her so we didnt know her true age) and had basically the feline form of breast cancer. It was highly malignant and infectious and one day the tumors began bleeding violently without warning didnt find her till it was too late to get her any help, by the time i got to her she only lasted about 20min.. 😥 :cry:… im still kinda angry about that whole thing too (this was back way before i joined the army and still in highschool) cuz i found the first tumor very early on.. and my parents refused to take her to the vet cuz of money issues, and refused even when i found her and had her dying in my arms 😥 😥

      And thank you all for the comments! I really appreciate it :D. Ok.. i has to try and get some sleep… i’ll prolly disappear for a few days, but if i get a chance to pop on i will 😈


        Aw, I’m sorry Ski.


          S’okay. Xena will be put down tomorrow but she had a good long life. Most dogs dont. She is just suffering now, so it would be cruel to drag it out anymore.

          Good luck with your travels, hart!!! 🙂


          OH NOES… im in kuwait right now.. and one of the worst things that could happen right before going back home where i need to re-settle in my new room etc, happened. My debit card got stuck in an atm machine… and of course it just happened to be one that US forces dont deal with and the people i had to call to *maybe* get it back would take a half a day or longer to come and try to retrieve it. By that point i may already be out of the country… so i was forced to cancel my debit card…now im wondering what im going to for food, and all the things i need to get set up in my new room 🙄 :roll:…cuz honestly.. $10 isnt gonna last me very long :(. I contacted my family so they can send some money so i can hang in there till my new card arrives. *sigh*… perfect timing for all this.. lol


            Kuwait has a DFAC, hon 😉 Or do you mean once you get back home? I would talk to Finance. The one out here can give you cash once a month. Maybe there is a finance in Kuwait that can do the same thing? Then you can at least get enough to tide you over till your new card comes in. You can also still use checks and write them out for cash, if needed. Ummm… not sure what else you can do.


            Yea i meant for when i got back, lol.. which i am back YAY. O___o i went to finance.. and they werent open yet, so i went to the px.. they couldnt help me and told me go to the mayor cell. so i went to the mayor cell and they told me to go to finance.. so i went back to finance and waited for them to open and they said they dont deal with that atm and that i had to call some number to get some ppl to come out and attempt to retrieve the card, and i asked how long that usually takes. My flight was going to leave before anyone could get out there… so i just cancelled the card. Im with Armed Forces Bank too, which can be retarded at times and ive been wanting to switch out to something else. they took like a month to get me a new card last time, i dun have a checkbook either 🙄 :roll:. One of the e4’s at the unit is letting me stay at her house for the night, maybe the weekend. Gonna try and run to a bank tomorrow and see if i can try and with withdraw cash using my account and routing number… prolly wont work.. but worth a shot.. I was sooo relieved to find that all my windstones arrived back state side safe and sound. My new room tho was disgusting.. had dead roaches in there…. weird brown stains on the wall.. one light doest work and one screen has a giant hole in it. the toilet has this nasty…. brown stuff crusted around its base.. looks like i got some cleaning to do T_____T


              😮 Oh Lordy. Welcome home? 😕 😉


                aharttsx wrote:

                My new room tho was disgusting.. had dead roaches in there…. weird brown stains on the wall.. one light doest work and one screen has a giant hole in it. the toilet has this nasty…. brown stuff crusted around its base.. looks like i got some cleaning to do T_____T

                I’m ashamed of your unit’s FRG. They should have received notification that you were coming home and taken the time to clean it. That’s how it worked with my hubby’s last unit at Ft. Stewart (HHC 1-64 AR). We cleaned the barrack rooms of the single soldiers before they came home and even put some “essentials” in there (toilet paper, paper towels, soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, snacks, water bottles, et cetera).

                Which by the way he told me to tell you something:

                “I Wouldn’t Give A Bean … Go Dog Faced Soldiers!”


                They’re supposed to keep them clean, i know my unit had to clean the crap outa our rooms before we deployed n stuff. But civilians took over and they run the whole barracks things now… my command knew i was coming back, but they wouldnt give them the room key to get in and make sure it was clean n stuff cuz i had to sign for it all… whoever was in the room before me wasnt a part of our battalion (is part of DSTB).. ah well.. not much i can do but clean it up and make it… less… nasty…. lol


                  Nice welcome home. Not. 😀 At least you’re back. Yay for that!!


                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    aharttsx wrote:

                    My new room tho was disgusting.. had dead roaches in there…. weird brown stains on the wall.. one light doest work and one screen has a giant hole in it. the toilet has this nasty…. brown stuff crusted around its base.. looks like i got some cleaning to do T_____T

                    I’m ashamed of your unit’s FRG. They should have received notification that you were coming home and taken the time to clean it. That’s how it worked with my hubby’s last unit at Ft. Stewart (HHC 1-64 AR). We cleaned the barrack rooms of the single soldiers before they came home and even put some “essentials” in there (toilet paper, paper towels, soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, snacks, water bottles, et cetera).

                    Which by the way he told me to tell you something:

                    “I Wouldn’t Give A Bean … Go Dog Faced Soldiers!”
                    Now that is an awesome home coming!

                    Yea, civilians run the barraks now… in Hawaii you can pretty much convince them to let you in. We had a Soldier missing one morning and I talked them into giving me a key so I could make sure he was not dead in is room. They didnt even escort me in!! Thats really too bad that you had to come home to that. As for your bank, there should be no reason you cannot withdraw cash from your acct. 😕


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      aharttsx wrote:

                      My new room tho was disgusting.. had dead roaches in there…. weird brown stains on the wall.. one light doest work and one screen has a giant hole in it. the toilet has this nasty…. brown stuff crusted around its base.. looks like i got some cleaning to do T_____T

                      I’m ashamed of your unit’s FRG. They should have received notification that you were coming home and taken the time to clean it. That’s how it worked with my hubby’s last unit at Ft. Stewart (HHC 1-64 AR). We cleaned the barrack rooms of the single soldiers before they came home and even put some “essentials” in there (toilet paper, paper towels, soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, snacks, water bottles, et cetera).

                      Which by the way he told me to tell you something:

                      “I Wouldn’t Give A Bean … Go Dog Faced Soldiers!”
                      Now that is an awesome home coming!
                      We looked after our single soldiers that’s for sure. We even collected bed linens, washed them and made the beds up too.

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      As for your bank, there should be no reason you cannot withdraw cash from your acct. 😕

                      Except she mentioned that she’s with Armed Forces Bank. I know from experience (and googling) that there’s no local branch at Fort Stewart or in the surrounding area. The only one in Georgia is at Moody AFB more than 100 miles away.


                      Well.. got my new card ordered. Gonna take like 10~14 business days. *sigh*… lol thats alot of ramen i need to buy XD…I cant go to the DFAC’s anymore, in the states the army bands receive Separate Rations pay and if we go to the DFACs and get our ID’s scanned it’ll cancel that out and start deducting money for chow. Its just a hassel to go through finance and the process it takes to stop it and get it back to Separate Rations pay.. soo.. Meh.. hopefully someone can lend me some monies so i can get some food till i get my new card. and lol @ “I wouldn’t give a bean… to be a fancy pants Marine..!” Lol… im soo not looking forward to singing it everyday at the 0630 formations XD..*not the greatest at singing*

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