Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA)

Home Forums Miscellany Community Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA)

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      Awwww! Lupin!!! I’m sorry you’re having such a rough year! That’s a lot to deal with by anyones standards. I hope that things let up for you soon and give you some time to relax and breathe and take some much needed time for yourself!!! I’m glad you’re still around and lurking though! Come back to us when you can! MUCH LUV!


        Jasmine wrote:

        Emerald is taking classes and is very busy. You can catch her on facebook.

        I just saw Emerald post =P Glad to see her still lurking!


          Zorse!!!! I’m so happy you’re still here! Congrats on all the fun wildlife things you’ve gotten yourself into! It sounds absolutely amazing and fun and adventuresome! Wishing you all the best and hope you find some really cool critters while you’re out there!!! HUGS!


            Thanks Lupin. Sorry about your loss. 🙁 I hope things pick up soon.




                This made me think about who used to be pretty active and I thought about

                Phoenix Tears (I am worried about her because I know she was very sick the last time I got an update from her brother-in-law and haven’t had any answers to my emails since then)
                Purplecat (she did beautiful paining on PYO’s and broken Windstones)


                Purplecat is quite active at her LiveJournal, http://purpletabby.livejournal.com/

                and she also has her own Forum for her sculptures.



                Last I heard from PhoenixTears she sent me an email to let her know when the Amethyst (Fledge?) was in the store…I let her know and she got one! 😀 She mentioned having a good day in the last email I got, but other than that, she lurks once in a while. I honestly haven’t heard anything and haven’t recieved replys to my forwards, which IS odd for her. If anyone hears anything please let me know. She has always done her best to help me out. 🙂
                I didn’t even notice a few had fallen silent, but then again, I am on again off again alot of times, and sometimes only have enough time to check the forums in a quick post-haste manner. Like right now… 😡


                  Mimi’s alive and kicking. She’s really busy, but once things calm down for her, you might be able to tempt her back (probably only temporarily) with squirrel stuff. 🙂

                  I have wondered about a few members, including yourself, Nirvanacat, so It’s quite humorous to see you posting about where everyone else has gone. =P


                    Lokie wrote:

                    Mimi’s alive and kicking. She’s really busy, but once things calm down for her, you might be able to tempt her back (probably only temporarily) with squirrel stuff. 🙂

                    I have wondered about a few members, including yourself, Nirvanacat, so It’s quite humorous to see you posting about where everyone else has gone. =P

                    Hahahaha Ya I know 😳 Usualy when I’ve taken my leave of absence it’s because I was in school, and before I changed my major was getting so many migraines that I literaly spent about 2/3 to 3/4 of my entire semester in bed with them. So no computer time for me! But I’m still around and I’d still lurk, and lord knows you guys can’t keep me away =P


                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      Lokie wrote:

                      Mimi’s alive and kicking. She’s really busy, but once things calm down for her, you might be able to tempt her back (probably only temporarily) with squirrel stuff. 🙂

                      I have wondered about a few members, including yourself, Nirvanacat, so It’s quite humorous to see you posting about where everyone else has gone. =P

                      Hahahaha Ya I know 😳 Usualy when I’ve taken my leave of absence it’s because I was in school, and before I changed my major was getting so many migraines that I literaly spent about 2/3 to 3/4 of my entire semester in bed with them. So no computer time for me! But I’m still around and I’d still lurk, and lord knows you guys can’t keep me away =P
                      Sorry to hear of your migraines but I’m glad you found your way back 🙂 Oh, and this forum is never the same without bug *p*o*r*n =P


                        Lokie wrote:

                        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                        Lokie wrote:

                        Mimi’s alive and kicking. She’s really busy, but once things calm down for her, you might be able to tempt her back (probably only temporarily) with squirrel stuff. 🙂

                        I have wondered about a few members, including yourself, Nirvanacat, so It’s quite humorous to see you posting about where everyone else has gone. =P

                        Hahahaha Ya I know 😳 Usualy when I’ve taken my leave of absence it’s because I was in school, and before I changed my major was getting so many migraines that I literaly spent about 2/3 to 3/4 of my entire semester in bed with them. So no computer time for me! But I’m still around and I’d still lurk, and lord knows you guys can’t keep me away =P
                        Sorry to hear of your migraines but I’m glad you found your way back 🙂 Oh, and this forum is never the same without bug *p*o*r*n =P

                        ZOMG HOW COULD I KEEP FORGETTING!!!!!!!! Here ya go!

                        Crimson Vision


                          Bug *p*o*r*n.

                          I think my life is complete.



                            It’s like you never left *tear*


                            I think I read that Kujacker’s mother died and he was having a really hard time with it, he’s only 22, and ever since then he hasn’t been heard from much if at all. I really treasure the PYO he painted for me from an Ebay auction I won, it was my first PYO. I hope he’s ok!

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