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  • #672886

      Jennifer wrote:

      For example, BDW’s post without color changing takes up around 4kb.
      With the color changing text, it takes about 12kb.

      That’s three times as big! 12kb isn’t terrible much but every time the text is quoted it adds up, every post adds up, and if this became a popular thing it’d take a lot of space.
      Glad you told me! I was just wondering about that! 😯 Thanks 😉
      I’ll just use the color I like best.


        I’m not saying ‘don’t have fun’- just be sure not to use it for every post is all. 🙂


          Congrats to Megan for the win on that little cat!! 🙂


            Jennifer wrote:

            I’m not saying ‘don’t have fun’- just be sure not to use it for every post is all. 🙂

            Oh I know but I don’t want to create a problem for the windstone forum. 😉


            Jasmine wrote:

            Congrats to Megan for the win on that little cat!! 🙂

            Thanks! I still can hardly believe I did that… 😆

            And by the way, Jasmine, congrats to you on your spectacular empea curl find!! 😀 I’m so glad you found one, and at such a great price, too!


              It’s not a hidden auction so I’m not trying to cause problems, but another smiling cat just got listed. This one looks like it’s either dark classic tabby with white or Birman in color.


                I saw that too and was coming to let folks know. He’s cute! I like the purring cat. I wonder how many more of these we are going to see now that the first one popped up on ebay. I will be adding them to the database, but they will all go under “Purring Cat” since it came in assorted colors.


                  Oh, I want!! My bf is going to kill me. 😆

                  And thanks Megan. I just hope he arrives.


                  That cat is sooo cute! I’m curious to see what he goes for, too.


                  You know, I just had a thought. Maybe… if the molds for the old animals weren’t lost or broken… maybe Melody would consider releasing some in new colors someday, as LP’s? I know it was announced that some of the old castings were found, but they didn’t find any wolves or tigers or lions, and only a few of the frogs and owls.

                  Think of a calico Purring Cat… a black wolf… a little spotted piglet… a white lion…? Now this still isn’t a squeak, really… it’s just an idea. *slinks away quietly*

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