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  • #577309

    Griffiness wrote:


    lol i just passed this accross mum.

    I said……..

    Do you think it would be better for me to buy a Dragon for X amount (Refering to the OW in Emerald) that i really want or buy the same Dragon for x amount (refering to the OW in BVP) that is a limited production in a different colour. It will cost an awfull lot and is in the US and i would have to use your paypal account but you did say you liked him.

    And she said the latter!! Meaning the OW in BVP (I never told her how much though hee hee)
    So i am officialy saving for one now 😀
    I couldn’t be happier 8)

    I think by now we’ve got all 24 of them spoken for. 😆


    Griffiness wrote:


    lol i just passed this accross mum.

    I said……..

    Do you think it would be better for me to buy a Dragon for X amount (Refering to the OW in Emerald) that i really want or buy the same Dragon for x amount (refering to the OW in BVP) that is a limited production in a different colour. It will cost an awfull lot and is in the US and i would have to use your paypal account but you did say you liked him.

    And she said the latter!! Meaning the OW in BVP (I never told her how much though hee hee)
    So i am officialy saving for one now 😀
    I couldn’t be happier 8)
    That is so exciting. Good luck in winning one.


    I hope they go for around the price the Black Peacock ones are going for now 😕


    I hope they follow the same pattern the BEPs did. I don’t really want to pay $800 for a BVP. (Sorry, Windstone.)


      I would like to pay less then $800 for one but I don’t think that will happen.


      If its $800 or over count me out ive got $65 postage to worry about and about $160 of customs 😕 :cries:


        OMG customs sucks! Did you ever get the money back they took from you?


        Read my post thing 😀 In the end mum went mental and the guy agreed to refund it. They still dont know where it has gone. It wont show up in my account for a few days so im not jumping happy yet. Hopefully he will get it in soon though 8)

        Yeh thats an estimate on customs if say the Dragon was insured for $800. I don’t think i’ll be able to save anywhere neer that much though! 😯 🙁


          but at least you got some action

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