Oklahoma Tornados – More pics

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    I live in Oklahoma and I just wanted prayers for friends, family, and other Oklahomans affected by today’s tornadoes…thankfully my own house was spared, for now, but I’m not out of the woods yet. The city of Moore was hit very heavily though, so prayers for all in this time of tragedy…


    well if it keeps going south it’ll squeak under me…but that puts my mother directly in its path


    A friend of mine, a co-worker, is missing and hasn’t been heard from…prayers for her to be found safe


      Prayers go out to all the Oklahomans! Just heard that 2 dozen kids in one of the Moore schools were found under the rubble and didn’t survive. Prayers to all the families of those little angels


        A friend of mine, a co-worker, is missing and hasn’t been heard from…prayers for her to be found safe

        My thoughts and best wishes to all affected. I sincerely hope your friend is safe.

        Life is beautiful.


          I am sending all my prayers. I feel sick about this. I lived through an F4 and still have nightmares. I pray your friend is found safe.


          I think she’s okay, but I don’t have a definite answer. But I think she is


            I think she’s okay, but I don’t have a definite answer. But I think she is

            Any word?

            Life is beautiful.


              I am sending all my prayers. I feel sick about this. I lived through an F4 and still have nightmares. I pray your friend is found safe.

              Oh gosh an F4? That must be so scary. Glad you made it through.

              Life is beautiful.


                That must be so scary! I used to have nightmares about tornadoes when I was little even though where I live we never get tornadoes, luckily. I hope friends and family are found safe!

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  Are there any other forum members out in Oklahoma that have not been on since the storms?

                  Sirithiliel please let us know that your safe in the mourning and keep us updated on your friend.

                  Hopefully the night passes peacefully with any tornadoes touching down in the open fields away from people.


                  I am okay, I’m getting ready to go to work and I hope to hear definite word about her there


                    I hope your coworker and their family is OK Sirithiel.

                    I’m waiting to hear from a fraternity sister of mine who recently graduated from one of my chapters I’m in charge of. She is from the Oklahoma City area (not sure where exactly). She recently got married and moved to CA (army wife) I think when I spoke to her little last evening, but her family is still in OK I believe. Hoping to hear soon that they are OK.


                    She’s fine, though her 3 year old was taken to the hospital with head injuries. he’ll recover too. THeir house escaped with minor damage, but we know quite a few people that have lost their homes….


                      I’m glad your friend is ok. I’m sorry to hear her son was injured, but at least he’ll be ok too.

                      Take care and stay safe.

                      Life is beautiful.


                        I’m terrified of tornadoes, probably because I watched the movie Twister an awful lot when I was little (I still watch it sometimes; it’s kind of a horror movie for me!). Tornadoes are so fascinating, yet terrible. I could never bring myself to live in a tornadoey area.
                        When I heard about the 2-mile wide tornado, I was terror-stricken, even though it was nowhere near here. What a thing from hell. I’ve been thinking about everyone over there in Oklahoma, although I don’t know anyone.

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