Off to Savannah

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      DantheDragon wrote:

      Have fun! Wave to my friends Annie and Reagan, lol! Enjoy your relaxation time. You deserve it!

      You know Anne and Reagan? Wait haven’t we discussed this before? 😆 I watch Reagan’s livejournal. Wicked good art.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      Have a nice fun filled but relaxing vacation. I think we can behave while you are away. 😀


        HAve a nice relaxing trip!!! Find that beach and laze around a bit 😀


        have a great trip!


          I’m back now! You probably already knew that. It was a fine trip except being stuck in gridlocked traffic on I16 for 4 hours on Sunday. Apparently they closed the highway due to a terrible accident, I don’t know much else except we were stopped on the highway for hours (in the GA heat, gah) and had to detour around the highway afterward.

          I found a bunch of retired Windstones in Savannah while I was there, see my post in the Flea Market if interested. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


            Nambroth wrote:

            DantheDragon wrote:

            Have fun! Wave to my friends Annie and Reagan, lol! Enjoy your relaxation time. You deserve it!

            You know Annie and Reagan? Wait haven’t we discussed this before? 😆 I watch Reagan’s livejournal. Wicked good art.

            LOL, quite possibly. I can never remember who knows them and who doesn’t anymore! I met Annie when she used to work with me, then a few years later I was alerted she was marrying some fellow named Reagan. I met him when they came to my wedding. Very nice guy! That’s also how I heard about Flight. It was really funny when I went to their ceremony and ended up sitting next to Kazu, lol. I was like heeeey… you look familiar…


            Nambroth wrote:

            I’m back now! You probably already knew that. It was a fine trip except being stuck in gridlocked traffic on I16 for 4 hours on Sunday. Apparently they closed the highway due to a terrible accident, I don’t know much else except we were stopped on the highway for hours (in the GA heat, gah) and had to detour around the highway afterward.

            I found a bunch of retired Windstones in Savannah while I was there, see my post in the Flea Market if interested. 🙂
            Welcome Back. Stuck for 4 hours. Geesh, what did you do during that time?

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