
New Baby is here!

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        Yay!! Huge Congratulations!!


          Yay HAPPY NEWS πŸ˜€ . Welcome Tristen .


            Congratulations!! What happy news!!


              Congratulations! πŸ˜€



              Congrats! πŸ˜€




                  COngrats!! I would love to see pics, too.

                  As for your milk, I am sorry its not coming. Mine didnt either and I had to suppliment fromula and Justin turned out fine. Just make sure he gets the colostrum, which is the stuff that comes in first. I always had to supplement with Justin because I never did produce enough milk and dried up in 2 weeks. Stress and depression can do that, among other things. Some women just dont produce enough and sometimes nothing helps. I sat on the couch and pumped and pumped and pumped for only 4 oz of milk. It was not worth it to me. Def give what you can though. Breat fed babies have many advantages over bottle fed. Good luck and congrats again!


                    It was my pediatrician that told me to supplment, since he’d lost 1lb in just a few days, and he had jaundice.
                    It’s been a week, and my milk is still not in, just colostrum. πŸ™ I’ve had Tristen breastfeed on both sides at least 10-15 minutes, and then we supplment with the formula. He’s just seems very lazy about a sucking, but since he’s not getting that much, I guess I can’t blame him.
                    The lactician consultant I talked to has me starting an herb called fenugreek to try to get my milk to come in. So here’s hoping it comes in soon.

                    Here’s some pics. And thanks for the congratulations, all!

                    Keeper of the Fledgings


                      Awwww how precious!!!! Look at that hair!!

                      Dont stress about the milk. Only makes it worse. Congratulations again. What a gift!


                        So cute! πŸ˜€


                          Congrats!! I myself could only breastfeed for a little less than two weeks because my milk supply was too low for my baby. My mother and grandma speculate that the low supply runs in the family because they both had the same problem. I was able to give her all of my colostrum and a few days worth of milk. Just like Ski, I would breast feed her and pump and pump, but only two ounces would come out of one, and the other about half an ounce. Our first indication that Chloe wasn’t getting enough was when one night she screamed and cried for hours without any hope of calming her down. I did offer my breast, but she didn’t want it, so we took her to the hospital, they gave her formula and shew was a happy little baby after that. Some women can’t produce enough, but I do think you should continue to try, but don’t feel bad about supplementing. I know that I would beat myself up with guilt, but I eventually learned that it didn’t make me a bad mommy by formula feeding. He is adorable!


                          AWWWW!! He’s really cute, and that’s a great name!! Sorry I can’t help with the advice, my little one isn’t here yet! Good luck though!


                            He’s beautiful! thanks for the pix! πŸ˜€



                              Awwww so cute! I know when I first started pumping I didn’t get much milk either. It took awhile for my supply to build up. Try eating oatmeal and drink lots and lots of water. I’ve been told that it helps to bring up your supply. I’ve never tried to oatmeal but drinking lots of water always helped me.

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