
New Baby is here!

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      Hello all!
      Just wanted to announce that my son, Tristen Chance was born on June 26th at 7:41pm. He was 8lbs 14 ounces, and almost 22 inches long! This is the first time since then that I’ve felt awake and enough energy to be bothered with the computer. He’s such a pretty baby, and already rolling up onto his side from his back, and starting to hols his head up!
      Only problem is that milk hasn’t come in yet, and he lost a lot of his birth weight, so we’re having to suplement him with formula, which I’m not too happy about. Any ideas fellow mommies?

      Keeper of the Fledgings


        Keeper of the Fledgings


        Congrats! That’s great news!


        WOO HOO!!! Congrats! πŸ˜€


          First congrats on the little one. Second you shouldn’t be giving him formula unless your peds doc tells you to. If you give him formula it will affect your milk supply. The more he nurses the more milk you will produce. Its supply and demand and if you are giving him formula it will cut down on your supply. It’s normal for him to lose some weight after birth and it takes a couple of days for your milk supply to come in. Do you have a lactation nurse you can talk to? One should have come to visit you in the hospital before you went home. If not find a la leche league in your area they have people you can talk to. They also have a forum you can post questions on. They know alot about breastfeeding and have alot of information. If you have any questions I can try to answer them. I’ve been breastfeeding for 5 months now.




            I wouldn’t let them push you into the bottle…it takes three days before your milk comes in, but colostrum is present and he should derive plenty of energy from that until the milk comes in.

            If anything he might need some water, losing weight after birth is normal, don’t let them panic you…by the time he has his first check up he should be back up to birth weight.

            Keep breastfeeding, don’t wait for the milk to come in, he needs the colostrum for antibodies and this first few days is critical for absorption. I can’t believe they pushed you to formula first thing, what is wrong with them??

            Your milk should already be in by now, since he is now 5 days old, but success with breastfeeding starts day one…now I’m worried, you will be able to do it, but baby is going to fight it now if he’s had the ease of a bottle for five days and no attempts to latch on and feed at the breast.

            Bottles are easier for the baby, a kinda cheater quick meal service, so they get lazy and refuse the breast if they get it for too long especially early days. Later, in a few months switching back and forth isn’t so hard, but while you are both learning is a bad time to be introducing a bottle. I want to seriously deck whomever insisted you bottle feed him. What were they thinking???

            Anyway, this is experience talking. Both of my kids were breastfed for the first 3 to 4 months, then I had epic battles with my body as it decided to shut down milk production and I had to go to formula. I am hoping that their insistance on bottle feeding won’t sabotage your breastfeeding success.

            Also, Lanisoh is your best bestest friend in the world, get some!

            I hope this info helps. I’m still growling a bit for you and the baby though…



              Congratulations, azurielle!! πŸ˜€


                Congrats!!! πŸ˜€



                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                    Yay! Congrats! My piece of advice has to do with sleeping… When the baby sleeps, you sleep. Things go better when mummy isn’t sleep deprived πŸ˜€








                          Hope all is well!!! πŸ˜€


                          Congrats!!!!! I like the name Tristen but am probably a bit prejudiced since it sounds like my name πŸ™‚ I hope that all is well!

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