My turn now? Eeep!

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      So I log on to the forum this afternoon and what do I see at the bottom of the page? The “Ask emerald212” forum has been changed to “Ask pegasi1978” 😯

      I’m chatting with my husband and tell him the news and he laughs at me. I told him if he wanted he could ask me questions and I would post them here with the answers. So here’s his first question.


      How do you feel when it’s your turn to answer things for a month..even though you are not told before hand?…:lol:

      I’d have to say I’m a little nervous, but curious to see what everyone will come up with for me.

      So who’s got a question for me?



        What is a typical day in the life of pegasi like?

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          A typical day for me? Hmmmm. My days are fairly quiet since I’m a stay at home mom.

          My son usually wakes me up around 8 AM. I get us fed and dressed then out to play for a few hours. We come home for lunch and then hang out around the house doing various things. I usually put my son to bed around 830 PM and then I enjoy quiet time until 11 PM when I head to bed.

          Since my husband is still deployed for a little longer I try to get online in the early afternoon so we can chat online for a little bit. While we are chatting I surf the internet – mostly the forum, livejournal and deviantart.

          At some point during the week I try to make icons for the weekly icon contst community I’m a part of, and I also try to take some time to update the online Windstone sales database.


          Wonderful! How old is your son? What is he like?

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            Gavin is three and a half. He’s small for his age at 36 inches tall and 28 pounds, but that’s genetics for you. I was small when I was a child and am only 5’2″. My husband is only a little taller (5’7″ I think – it’s been a while :lol:) and he was a little guy too.

            Right now Gavin’s a little terror and pushing the boundaries big time. I’m trying to nip things in the bud, but it’s difficult sometimes when you are the only one around. He knows something is happening soon (Daddy coming home) but I’m not sure if he really understands or not. One of the last things we do before we go to bed each night is we take a link off a chain of paper rings and I tell him “One night closer to Daddy being home.”

            He’s a bundle of energy and always on the go. He’s in a tumbling class for preschoolers and loves it. He had already figured out how to do forward rolls before I enrolled him last August, now he’s even faster when he does them. He loves to climb and jump…like most boys.

            He loves watching Pixar movies, especially “Cars”. Lately he’s gotten into watching “Thomas the Tank Engine” and the “Transformers” cartoons from the 1980s.


              aAAAAAAaaaaaAWWWWWwwww! He’s soooo handsome!! 😀 😀 😀 😀


                Thank you! You can still see some signs of it (but not as much) but his ears were “pointed” kind of like an elf when he was younger. They’ve rounded out some as he’s gotten older.

                His eyes are the prettiest shade of blue with a darker ring around the outer edges. And my goodness has the boy got some killer eyelashes. 😀


                  haha…We’ve got the old “Batman Animated series” that Donovan’s in love with…I originally got them for myself (batman ROCKS!) and I found someone to enjoy them with 😀 😀 We’ve also got the older “Spiderman” animated series. Not as good as Batman..but still pretty cool. 😀


                    It’s been a while, but Gavin has actually pulled He-Man, She-Ra, My Little Pony AND Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer out of the video clost to watch. I love the old classic 1980s cartoons. Most of them are much better (story wise and occasionally art wise) than the new stuff that’s put out now.


                      omg….YES! Where did storyline GO in today’s cartoons??????? 😀


                        purplecat wrote:

                        omg….YES! Where did storyline GO in today’s cartoons??????? 😀

                        I usually watch anime, so I haven’t lost the storyline. I also find that a lot of “today’s” cartoons that I like are dubbed anime. Most of the American stuff pretty much blows. 😕

                        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                        Sun Dragon Koi #3


                          That is one thing that is nice about anime, they still have storylines that typically last through out the entire series (or at least the season). There are some animes though that could have really used a harder editor (DragonBall/DragonBall Z for example). I got so sick of the never ending power ups for fights that I refuse to buy the series even though it’s one of my husbands favorites.


                            I watch some anime, but not with the kids…since I’m currently watching fma (full metal alchemist)..some of the elements in it arent kid freindly. 🙂


                              That’s very true that some animes aren’t kid friendly. I try to keep watching of the non-kid friendly ones until after Gavin has gone to bed. In fact I’ve had to tell him no when he tries to pick those off the DVD shelves. I’ve tried to separate out the kid friendly movies from the rest so that way Gavin knows he can have his choice of anything in that area.

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