my hubby is on the porch catching opossums!

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      Haha, sounds like a country song. He has caught 5 of the little buggers so far! 😆



        What’s he going to do with them? Are they edible?


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          What’s he going to do with them? Are they edible?

          well, I guess SOME people eat them…… He is putting them in a cage as he catches them, I’ll probably call the wildlife rehab people tomorrow. They are kinda cute but they sure do hiss! 😆


            I think they’re cute in their scruffy way. They’re a problem for you? Here we hardly see them.

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              Hate to say it… but some people down here still eat them. :puke:


              Did y’all have a nest or something?
              My DIL had one as a pet growing up. They fed it dog food and some of their dogs would sleep under the porch with it 😀


                Possums are so ugly, they’re cute! 😀 Hopefully, they’ll be released far from people that want to make pie out of them. 😆


                The only possums we used to have our dogs would leave for us as presents in the morning.


                  I sometimes see a opossum or two around my neighborhood, but it wouldn’t be long before they ended up as road kill! And they weren’t play possum! 🙁


                    Devil’s advocate here, but what’s wrong with eating possum?

                    Do be careful though with the ones you catch, sadly rabies is something to always be aware of in any wild mammal.

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                      The only thing I was told is that you must purge them first. Cage them for a week or so and feed them things like fruit. Possums will eat a lot of nasty things like carrion and garbage, so you need to clean the “icky” out of their systems first. Technically, you don’t have to… but I heard it’s much better this way, and that the meat is really white.

                      Don’t quote me on this though, I’ve never had it… 😆 Nutria, on the other hand, now that is really tasty! :yum:


                      Aww, I couldn’t personally kill an animal-especially if I had it trapped and fed it for a week! I’d have them named by day 2! 😆


                      bayoudragon wrote:

                      The only thing I was told is that you must purge them first. Cage them for a week or so and feed them things like fruit. Possums will eat a lot of nasty things like carrion and garbage, so you need to clean the “icky” out of their systems first. Technically, you don’t have to… but I heard it’s much better this way, and that the meat is really white.

                      I had something in the back of my mind about them being nasty(-tasting) critters, but we don’t have possums here and I don’t know much about them. I’d be curious to know how they taste, though. 😳


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      What’s he going to do with them? Are they edible?

                      Those were my first questions! LOL XD

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