Moving (again) and other random stuff

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Have fun packing. My sympathies are with you, seeing as how I’m doing the same thing now. 😆 I hope the movers are very, very careful with your Windstones.

      I decided after this last move that if we had to do it again, I was piling everthing in the front yard, having a HUGE bonfire and would start from scratch at the new house. Roddy didn’t much go for that idea :nea: :negative: :negative:

      twindragonsmum 😀



        Thinking good thoughts for you, Tyr! 😉


          twindragonsmum wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Have fun packing. My sympathies are with you, seeing as how I’m doing the same thing now. 😆 I hope the movers are very, very careful with your Windstones.

          I decided after this last move that if we had to do it again, I was piling everthing in the front yard, having a HUGE bonfire and would start from scratch at the new house. Roddy didn’t much go for that idea :nea: :negative: :negative:

          twindragonsmum 😀

          *laughs* Some times (especially in the last two days!) I’ve been tempted to plunk it all up on eBay. I might do that once I get to VA and see exactly how much this move is costing me.

          Too much stuff!

          Windstone collector in remission. 😉



            Hours. Over two days. Thank goodness it’s (slightly) above freezing today. BUT! The movers have a way to get into the apartment (easily) now!

            Shoveled by hand, no less.

            Windstone collector in remission. 😉


              X-posted from my LJ…





              My newest “estimate” based on what was actually moved today is almost TWICE the weight of my original estimate. The movers ran out of all their boxes except for two small “book” boxes. (and this was WITH me packing a bunch of stuff ahead of time in trunks and larger boxes and tubs ‘n’ such) They ran out of blankets for my furniture. I *filled up* the available space in the truck with all my crap belongings.

              I cried when I saw the new estimated total.

              It’s not the poor movers’ faults. They did their best, but just kept opening up more closets to find more stuff. The two guys worked like troopers, despite this job being a HUGE mess more than they anticipated.

              I HAVE to get rid of stuff. I just feel badly when it was something that was given (or “willed”) to me, or something that is associated with good memories.

              So, if you were someone who gave me something, and I decided I just couldn’t keep it any longer…. would you hold it against me?

              Seriously, I wept at the new total for moving my stuff. It’s NOT pretty. I’m… well…

              *sighs* This is ridiculous. I don’t want to move again, but I know I have at least one more left.


              Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                Awwww…. I know how you feel about having stuff. I moved from an apt. back home. My problem is WEIGHT. I have books, and books are heavy. You really can’t pack them in HUGE boxes (not if you expect to lift them that is). *pats Tyrrlin on back and offers chocolate*


                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  Awwww…. I know how you feel about having stuff. I moved from an apt. back home. My problem is WEIGHT. I have books, and books are heavy. You really can’t pack them in HUGE boxes (not if you expect to lift them that is). *pats Tyrrlin on back and offers chocolate*

                  Books, and Windstones, weigh a lot. 😛

                  *noms on the chocolate* Thanks.

                  Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                    Tyrrlin wrote:

                    So, if you were someone who gave me something, and I decided I just couldn’t keep it any longer…. would you hold it against me?

                    No I wouldn’t hold it against you, and they shouldn’t either. Sometimes things just don’t “fit” anymore and need to be let go of.

                    siberakh1 wrote:

                    Awwww…. I know how you feel about having stuff. I moved from an apt. back home. My problem is WEIGHT. I have books, and books are heavy. You really can’t pack them in HUGE boxes (not if you expect to lift them that is). *pats Tyrrlin on back and offers chocolate*

                    When hubby and I moved in Oct. 2008 we had 20+ (almost 30) boxes of books. There were almost as many book boxes as there were other boxes. 😀


                      Aw, sorry it’s being more of an ordeal than you thought. I would certainly never hold it against you if something had to go. And too much stuff is something I think we can all relate too. 😀


                        Oh god yes.

                        Guess eBay and I are going to get acquainted. *wry grin*

                        Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                          Tyrrlin wrote:


                          I know that feeling. You never know how much stuff you have until you have to move. It just all piles up over the years. I am a pack rat and hoard so much stuff. I have a really hard time convincing myself to give up or throw away things. Sorry that you have had it so rough Tyrrlin. Things will get better after everything settles down.


                          I understand also the art of collecting too much stuff! I hate the thought of moving again, but I know I will eventually too. *sigh* It is no fun. I don’t mind the packing, its the unpacking that disturbs me… 😈


                          I’ve been watching your progress by reading your blog. I hope you’re not too stressed out and that everything goes okay, even if you get some nasty surprises like the moving bill.


                            Thank you.

                            Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                              Hookay…. I’m MOVED. I’m in the midst of unpacking,and FINALLY found my cable modem! (woot)

                              Turns out I was “only” 992 pounds overweight instead of the 6,500 that the movers originally thought. *whews* I’m still planning on getting rid of stuff, especially if it’s in a box I haven’t opened in two moves (and there are a few of those in the pile).

                              Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement! I really LOVE this forum!

                              Windstone collector in remission. 😉

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