More Flap Cats in Store – Orange Tabby + Orange & White

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  • #775339

      Run! πŸ˜€



        Two left!!


        There are also seven Orange Tabby Open-Eyed Flap Cats!


          I wonder if people assumed they were safe on the weekend lol! I was just randomly refreshing the Flap Cats and up they popped. I bought my Orange Tabby from a forum member though and he’s already sitting with my other kitties. ^_^


          Yeah, I feel bad for the people who watched during the workweek and didn’t expect anything today.

          *sigh* Still waiting for Amethyst Orientals… πŸ™


            Man, I hope drag0n sees them.


            I just tried to order her one, had it in my shopping cart, and then when I clicked submit order, was told the shopping cart was now empty!! πŸ‘Ώ


            Sorry, that would be me. I felt bad about Drag0nfeathers missing out so I bought the last one for her. If she already snagged one, I’ll be happy to cancel my order! πŸ™„


            So you got one for Drag0n? That’s a relief! We had a deal, that I would put her shipping address, and have Susie send her a PP invoice. But if you cancel it, and then I order it, I am afraid somebody else will snag it before I can do it.


            That’s hilarious! So if I’d just waited, YOU would have gotten it for her instead of me. πŸ˜† πŸ˜† So long as she gets one!


            Well, she’s not on the forum, so I don’t think she got it, so I will PM her and let her know that you ordered her one. She was afraid if she didn’t get in on this batch, there would not be any more. πŸ˜€


            I PMed her too, hopefully she won’t have a heart attack at the PM titles when she realized she missed a batch! πŸ™‚


              Yep, being there at the right time and the right place. Happen to see them myself and snagged one. Was pretty early because there were 7 when I saw them (eye open). Sometimes I get lucky! πŸ˜€


              There were 3 when I tried to snag one, that’s why I don’t get why I lost it… :shout:

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