Ah, Melody. Where can any of us begin with what a cool person you are!
You must collect us adoring fans, because your collection is impressive! I remember seeing my first windstone in a carlton card store years ago and my grandmother had to pull me away from them, I was just in… awe. I fell in love with a beautiful colorful dragon, who just looked like it could just crawl up in my lap and demand some shiny gold.
I have not wanted another dragon since then. Yours are just… too good. They surpass anything else I’ve seen in the world of dragon statues, and… I think that nothing will ever surpass the timeless beauty of a Windstone dragon.
You’ve brought beauty into the lives of dragon lovers everywhere. And I tip my hat to the creator… and then chuckle at her drinking a beer and deciding that a toilet tank would be a marvelous thing to draw! 😆