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      Sending prayers and good thoughts for you I hope everythng works out OK for you


        OMG! 😯 Do keep us posted. I sincerely hope it is nothing serious. I hope it is only a pleural infection and nothing worse! While that won’t be fun, it is a lesser of evils. Fingers and toes crossed for you! *BIG HUG*


          Good luck and speedy recovery!


            You’ll be in my prayers. I hope it’s just an infection. (crosses fingers)


            Ddvm, Im so terribly sorry youre having to feel the way you do, and having to deal with the stress this medical situation is causing you, both physically and emotionally. I truly hope it’s not Cancer but that in turn, it is something they have either over looked somehow (even with so many tests, it’s amazing how much doctors can miss) and can cure quickly. Or, if it is something more serious, that they can address it quick enough to alleviate some of the literal and figurative pressure youre feeling.

            My heart to you, my prayers to you, my love and hugs to you too. And I dont care that some judgmental ppl here have called me a phony behind my back for saying this, but it’s what I do… I am lighting a healing candle for you. It’s my way.


            I hope you do feel better too…. and that it’s not cancer! Keep us posted and get some rest (or I’ll come there and make sure you get some rest :lol:)!

            Click please!!


              😯 god I hope it’s not cancer!
              🙁 I’m sorry that you are going through all that Ddvm…
              Hugs and prayers.


                I will definitely keep you in my thoughts as well. I really hope you’ll be okay.


                  Fingers and toes crossed! Healing thoughts being sent your way!


                  Well, the doctor said the results would be back early this afternoon but they didn’t get them. So it’s another day waiting – fortunately I didn’t have an appointment I could just call in for the results.

                  Hello, lab people, are you trying to kill me with stress?! 🙄


                  ddvm wrote:

                  Well, the doctor said the results would be back early this afternoon but they didn’t get them. So it’s another day waiting – fortunately I didn’t have an appointment I could just call in for the results.

                  Hello, lab people, are you trying to kill me with stress?! 🙄

                  when ever a doctor tells you labs will be there , wait at least 2 days to call them. I had to have an HIV test after getting exposed with a contaminated bronchiscope and it took a week to get the results that were supposed to be there the next day .

                  I hope the results come back negative , ill keep my fingers crossed for you


                    Thoughts and warm wishes for you ddvm!


                    Also lighting a healing candle and keeping you in thoughts and prayers.
                    From a fellow New Jerseyan!


                    Well, the good news is I don’t need surgery…which means the bad news is that I have lung adenocarcinoma. 😥 The lab is still doing special stains to get more info. And I need to go for a pet scan to make sure it isn’t anywhere else. Once that is done I have to decide if I want to go to the local oncologist my pulmonologist recommended (the oncologist was trained at Sloan) or go to Sloan-Kettering. I’m only about 50 minutes from there. But I hate driving in NY – and as my pulmonologist said Sloan is great for rare cancers but for common cancers the local hospital is fine.

                    Adenocarcinoma is evidently very common in women (moi), non-smokers (never took one puff) and people with lung scar tissue (had really bad pneumonia 18 years ago). I guess that means I hit the cancer hat trick or three stikes and you’re out (depending on which sport you prefer. I personally prefer basketball but a three pointer just didn’t seem to fit the metaphor). Ok, rambling there, little stressed.


                      If it’s any consolation ddvm, my neighbor just beat it. So you can too. Won’t be easy, but you can do it. 😉

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