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    My mom says we’re all pulling for her! 😀


      Any news on Mallory’s surgery? Prayers and hugs that all goes well! *bites fingernails anxiously*



        Healing thoughts being sent her way! I hope the surgery went well!


        How did the surgery go?


          More good thoughts heading your/her way.


          Sorry I haven’t responded in a while, I just got back from Iowa City…anyway the surgery went really well! The doctors thought that the whole thing would take three hours, but it only took about an hour and a half! Also, she barely bled which is really good, and the last couple times I saw her she was sleeping peacefully. She woke up for a second while I was in the room, but she went back to sleep. That is good for recovery. Lance took a couple of pictures of her after the surgery, so hopefully he will post them on that caringbridge site. TJ (which is KC’s and Lance’s dad is coming up from Kansas this week to see Chloe and Mallory for the first time. Carol is really excited, as am I, but she seemed to only comment on how TJ will see Mallory and spend all of his time with her. I casually mentioned that he will come to see both Chloe and Mallory because he hasn’t seen either babies, and she seemed upset that I would even suggest that he wanted to see Chloe as well. She got all quiet, and then out of the blue she started saying that everyone she knows who went to college and got a degree got horrible jobs. I am in college, and since it was completely unprovoked and out of the blue, I think she was trying to upset me too. It didn’t work because I’m not worried about it. ANYWAY….sorry to get off track! 🙄 🙂

          Mallory has two IV’s in her *shudder* for fluids and medication. Oh, and I found out (for the one who wanted to know about tubes-Kyrin?) she has a c-pap (sp?) which helps her to breathe, along with the oxygen and feeding tubes and multiple monitors.

          The nurse guestimated that she will heal up completely in a couple of weeks. 😀
          Sorry for the suspense, but Lance beat me to the computer, so he also has his own update on that website, but I’m sure you figured that out! 😀

          Oh, and thanks Necron, I agree.


          I’m glad Mallory’s surgery was successful. It’s good that she’s resting and recuperating, it will help her heal. Hopefully she will be able to go home soon!

          It sounds like Carol is intentionally saying things to hurt you because Chloe is healthy. Now she is no longer just attacking you about Chloe; she is attacking you about some of the life choices you’ve made. I understand how upset she is, but that is no excuse. She should not be treating you like this. If kind requests to stop don’t work, you may have to be more forceful. I’m sorry she is putting you through this.


          I agree with Purpledragonclaw. What she’s doing is still unacceptable. I’d say, start being more forceful with her and tell her that what she’s saying hurts.

          You did nothing wrong by having a healthy child… on the flipside, she probably did nothing wrong to have a child with problems like this, but no reason to make you feel guilty by taking out her jealousy that you had a healthy child and you didn’t out on you.


          Oh good! I’m so relieved!

          But my question wasn’t what the tubes were for, the question was, when does she get them all off her?



          That’s wonderful news. Now for the healing and home 😀


          Kyrin wrote:

          Oh good! I’m so relieved!

          But my question wasn’t what the tubes were for, the question was, when does she get them all off her?


          Well, according to what I am hearing, Mallory will probably have to go home with the C-pap, and possibly on oxygen as well, but that is only depending on Mallory. She might have to, she might not. Thats all I know. 😀


            I’m so glad the surgery was successful. 😀


            Geez…maybe I should get counseling for these feelings!


              Maybe that’s what Carol needs to get the clue that she needs it too.

              “So what are you getting counseling for?”
              “Well I just feel so guilty that Chloe is healthy and Mallory isn’t, I don’t want it to affect our relationship, or the relation ships with either of the girls.”
              “Oh umm…. Yeah college people get sucky jobs”

              Next conversation
              “I’m getting counseling to better help Mallory as she grows deal with being not having been the healthiest.”
              “Oh Good for you Carol, ’cause Mallory needs you to be there for her more than any other child ever will.”

              Maybe that’ll help? And the worst of it is I know you do feel a little guilt. I have a little cousin who’s 3 years older than Khym, and she finally got her open heart surgery that was put off 4 times in the last 9 months, even though they had been waiting until she had to have the surgery to do it in the first place. We feel a little Guilty that when Khym goes to the ER he has specialists every which way from Sunday, but she has to wait. I’m dreading if there’s ever a time both of us go in at the same time, because Khym will probably get in first.


                Lupin wrote:

                Maybe that’s what Carol needs to get the clue that she needs it too.

                “So what are you getting counseling for?”
                “Well I just feel so guilty that Chloe is healthy and Mallory isn’t, I don’t want it to affect our relationship, or the relation ships with either of the girls.”
                “Oh umm…. Yeah college people get sucky jobs”

                Next conversation
                “I’m getting counseling to better help Mallory as she grows deal with being not having been the healthiest.”
                “Oh Good for you Carol, ’cause Mallory needs you to be there for her more than any other child ever will.”

                Maybe that’ll help? And the worst of it is I know you do feel a little guilt. I have a little cousin who’s 3 years older than Khym, and she finally got her open heart surgery that was put off 4 times in the last 9 months, even though they had been waiting until she had to have the surgery to do it in the first place. We feel a little Guilty that when Khym goes to the ER he has specialists every which way from Sunday, but she has to wait. I’m dreading if there’s ever a time both of us go in at the same time, because Khym will probably get in first.

                Well said Lupin

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