Home Forums Miscellany Community MALLORY GOES HOME TODAY!!!!!!

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    Okay, what happened was that Mallory had a hole in her heart that previously closed on it’s own through some medication, but it reopened, and that’s why she needed the surgery. She just got out of surgery, and she is doing fine now, but only time will tell.


      Prayers for a speedy recovery. It’s so hard when it’s a little one 😳


      best of luck to her


        Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.


          Prayers headed their way…

          Please keep us updated.


          I am devastated and heartbroken for Lance and Carol. I could see it in their expressions and movements all evening-it turns out that Mallory has a spot in her brain, and the doctors are saying that she has some mental damage. I guess there are four levels as to how likely it is she’ll have brain damage (4 being the worst with 100% chance of brain damage) and she is level 4. (This is how I understood it anyway.) There will be more extensive brain scans done on Mallory this Tuesday the 17th, and they will know more then.

          I am so sad for them because they are so devastated. I feel so guilty having Chloe around them because I don’t want them to get sad seeing that our baby is healthy.

          She weighs 2lbs 1 oz as of yesterday.

          Continue to pray because they all need it!


            Oh, no! That’s so heartbreaking…


            They’ll continue to be in my prayers.


            Oh no, reading that brought tears to my eyes. I’ll definitly continue to keep little Mallory in my prayers.


              Im so sorry. Its nice that you will both be able to support eachother emotionally throughout the years. Dealing with a premie is no easy task either 🙁 I will pray for you both. Any word on what her brain condition means for her future?


              Let’s hold out hope that as she continues to grow and develop that the damage is not as bad as we fear and she won’t have too many serious issues.

              Children are amazing in what they can overcome, I think a wait and see stance is what we should take for now, after all she is so young and little and it is entirely possible what they are seeing and predicting may not be as bad as they think.

              Keep in mind that doctors always default to the worst case scenerio, so hang in there!

              Also, that’s so great that she’s already gained a lb in just one short month!



                I know it’s extremely difficult in situations like this to remain positive, but try to remember that positive, upbeat feelings can and do have an effect on the baby’s recovery. I have a some friends whose daughter was premature and their nurses helped them to stay strong and positive. The nurses suggested that the only people allowed in to visit were ones that could help maintain an upbeat spirit. With that in mind, I’ll continue to keep your family in my prayers *sending calm, peaceful, strenghthening thoughts your way…*




                  I hope that whatever damage she might have will be minimal. I can’t imagine what they must be going through.


                    Sorry I missed this before. Sending healing thoughts Mallory’s way.


                    I’m glad to hear she is gaining weight but so sorry to hear about the brain damage. Maybe it is in an area that she can compensate for? I’ll continue to pray for her.


                      I am so sorry to hear that. In an earlier post I told you about my nieces twin premies. They had heart, lung, eye and other surgeries. At the same time the drs. didn’t give them much chance of survival but they made it and will be 14 in August so keep positive thoughts and I hope things will change for the better. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

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