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    Has Carol been able to see Mallory yet? Or does she have to stay in bed? My heart goes out to her. I know how she feels. Maybe you could print this thread and show it to her? It might cheer her up to see how many people are praying for her. 😀 Our son was in the NICU for a little over three months before we could bring him home. He weighed just under five pounds.
    There is so much more that they can do medically these days.
    Still praying
    ~Hugs all around~


      Keep us updated


      khat7 wrote:

      Has Carol been able to see Mallory yet? Or does she have to stay in bed? My heart goes out to her. I know how she feels. Maybe you could print this thread and show it to her? It might cheer her up to see how many people are praying for her. 😀 Our son was in the NICU for a little over three months before we could bring him home. He weighed just under five pounds.
      There is so much more that they can do medically these days.
      Still praying
      ~Hugs all around~

      I have actually wondered if I should do that. Carol was wheeled to Mallory’s room to see her for the first time yesterday, but Carol could only stand up for a couple of seconds before she had to sit back down. I am hoping she can see her today for a little longer!


        Jumping in a little late…. Big hugs to you and your family and please pass on loves and prayers and good thoughts from my family. Preemies do sooooo much better these days. My boys are now 12 and were preemies. They are perfectly healthy in every way thanks to the good care they got when they were so small. Hang in there!

        twindragonsmum 😀



        twindragonsmum wrote:

        Jumping in a little late…. Big hugs to you and your family and please pass on loves and prayers and good thoughts from my family. Preemies do sooooo much better these days. My boys are now 12 and were preemies. They are perfectly healthy in every way thanks to the good care they got when they were so small. Hang in there!

        twindragonsmum 😀

        How many weeks along were they born?


          Sending best wishes and hugs for everyone over there having a tough time! They both sound like strong ladies, both mom and daughter, I have faith they will pull through!


          I sent the link to this thread to Lance, and this is what he typed back:

          “Hi Katie, Thankyou so much. That was great! I read through those all and I especially was touched about the one with the candles being lit. Also about the one with Lance must be going crazy!! They were going to release us today but they took Carols blood pressure and then changed there minds. All is well and same thing with Mallory!! Thank you so much and I will see hopefully today!!”


          I’m so happy things are going well. Still sorry that Mallory had to enter the world so early though, but with medical science these days, she’s got a very good chance of survival with few if any complications from getting here so early.

          Glad the worry is now able to shift to just one patient, once Carol is able to spend more time at Mallory’s side, the better they will both do.

          God, but I can’t imagine how tiny a 1 lb 1 oz child is, holy cow she’s tiny…I’d be terrified to touch her for fear of breaking something.



          Hugs! Happy Thoughts and Prayers! Keep us updated!


            I’ll say a prayer for her tonight. Please do keep us updated. 🙂


            My husband got a text message from Lance and it said that Mallory is having heart surgery right now. I don’t know why, or when the surgery is expected to be over, but please continue to pray for her!


              Will do girl. I wish her luck and send prayers as well.


                I’m SO sorry best of luck all the way around!!
                Keep us informed


                  Lots of good thoughts heading your way….


                    Good thoughts and warm fuzzies on their way.

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