Home Forums Miscellany Community MALLORY GOES HOME TODAY!!!!!!

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    Mallory is no longer in Iowa City because she is in the Des Moines hospital, which is much closer to home. She is on a high frequency C-pap (and I am not sure what that is) but now there are no more tubes in her mouth, just in her nose. She is 5 lbs and 8 oz right now. Her due date was Sept 3rd, which is coming up soon. Hopefully she’ll be going home soon!


    Good news! Thank you for keeping us updated!


    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Good news! Thank you for keeping us updated!

    I’m glad you appreciate it. 😀


      Thanks for the update. Do they know if there will be any prem damage?
      You might have said it but I missed it if you did


        *keeping fingers crossed…* Thanks for the update. Sounds like she’s doing better. We;e keeping her in our prayers here for a speedy, complete recovery!

        twindragonsmum 😀



        Dragon Master wrote:

        Thanks for the update. Do they knwo if there will be any prem damage?
        You might have said it but I missed it if you did

        They aren’t positive whether there will be any brain damage or not. It all depends on how her brain adapts to the damage done by the brain bleeding. I am wondering that myself too. Only time will tell! 🙂


        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        Thanks for the update. Do they knwo if there will be any prem damage?
        You might have said it but I missed it if you did

        They aren’t positive whether there will be any brain damage or not. It all depends on how her brain adapts to the damage done by the brain bleeding. I am wondering that myself too. Only time will tell! 🙂

        Well the upside is that her brain is still growing and developing…so it is altogether possible it will bypass the damaged areas and reroute…after all, we only use about 1/3 of our brain cells as it is…so, given time, I expect that she’ll be just fine.

        Watch, she’s going to be hell on wheels and hard to keep up with. Caroline might be feeling that she’s been shortchanged now, but not for long!



        My Prayers are also with you and your Niece.


        Eaglefeather, I’m a lowly N00B, but I cannot resist a call for prayers. I will pray for both Carol and Mallory tonight. Best wishes.


          Thanks for the update eaglefeather. I hope she is well and she goes home soon. 😀


          LOL1955 wrote:

          Eaglefeather, I’m a lowly N00B, but I cannot resist a call for prayers. I will pray for both Carol and Mallory tonight. Best wishes.

          Hehe…n00bs are more than welcome to pray for her! lol

          Thank you very much everyone! All of these well wishes and prayers mean more than you know to all of us! 😀


          Sorry that I haven’t updated in a bit, but Mallory is close to coming home any week now. She is still on oxygen, and they are trying to get her to feed from a bottle, but she isn’t very successful at it, so they did a surgery to put a G-tube in her stomach. It is temporary until she gets the hang of eating.
          Mallory will be coming home on oxygen and a moniter. Carol and Lance have to spend the night at the hospital for two knights so they can be taught how to care for her 24/7, but there will be nurses that will come to their home to assist them and to check on Mallory.

          Carol is currently undergoing some labs to check the well being of her organs because her bloodpressure is unbelievably high. The highest it has been is 181/108. She is on high blood pressure meds all the time, but this is very unusual for her (or anyone for that matter).

          Carol talks about wanting to have another child in a couple of years, but I honestly think this whole ordeal will happen again. She had HELLP symdrome, which goes hand in hand with high blood pressure, and it makes me mad that she wants to risk putting herself and another innocent baby in jeopardy. If she does get pregnant again, and this does happen again, I will be the angriest wreck you have ever seen. It might sound heartless (I’m not), but it will be hard for me to get past thinking that the second time around will be her fault because she knowingly risked it.
          Even with her high blood pressure meds, she can’t seem to keep it in check.

          Anywho….it’s amazing how big Mallory has gotten! She is as big as Chloe was at birth-just a little over 8 lbs! 😀


            Aw, she’s so cute!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              She’s made it this far! What a Trooper!! I think that as you said in an earlier post, she’ll be just fine and giving everyone a run for their money in no time!!

              I understand your sentiments about her having another baby, and my love and hugs go to everyone!


                Look at those chinny-chin-chins! She’s a cutey! I understand about another baby…



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