Home Forums Miscellany Community MALLORY GOES HOME TODAY!!!!!!

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    Well, I just got back from the hospital after visiting my brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Lance and Carol). Carol was 24 weeks pregnant today, and she went to the doctor’s because she wasn’t feeling well only to be instructed to go to the hospital because of high blood pressure. At first, the doctors thought Carol would just be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy, but then after some blood-work, the doctors found out that Carol had a liver infection that could kill her, and it couldn’t be treated while she was pregnant, so the doctors decided to perform an emergency C-section. (Boy-when I heard this I was so worried!) The C-section turned out fine, but Carol couldn’t be conscious through the procedure, and they took a baby girl out of her. She is only 1 lb. and 1 oz, and right now she is in the NICU, and Carol is recovering. The baby’s name is Mallory Pamela Redmon, and she needs prayers (or wishes, whatever is appropriate for you) because she was only at 24 weeks gestation. I haven’t been able to see little Mallory, but I have some pictures from Lance’s cell phone. Please keep them in your thoughts! (Just as a heads-up, these pictures do have girly parts in them).


    Consider thoughts and prayers done from me. I healing green candle is now lit for Carol’s health and quick recovery and a light pink candle is lit for Mallory with a certain healing piece of Agate polished stone next to it as well. Both candles are together and surrounded by rose petals. They are large enough to burn for weeks. Since I work from home, they stay lit for the most part. When Im out, the fire goes out but the candle still burns on a candle burner.

    My thoughts, wishes and prayers are with the family and you and yours for the best outcome. Blessings sweeetie )O( xoxo


    My prayers are with them! So sorry that they are going through such a difficult (understatement, I know) time, but I know that God has a plan for them. I’ts not always what we want or think, but He really does want what is best for us. Please keep us updated.




      Thats so sad. I cant see the pics but she has my prayers. 🙁


      Man, is that ever hard! Poor Lance has got to be going crazy, worry for both at the same time, has got to be so stressful…and it is so hard for little ones so early.

      I hope Carol recovers quickly, and that little Mallory grows like a weed so she can go home.

      Lots of love, well wishes and support headed your way.



        Lots of good thoughts heading their way. *hugs*


        You definitely have my prayers. I’m glad that Carol is already doing better. I will pray extra hard for little Mallory. I can relate on a personal level here.
        My oldest son was born at 27 weeks. He weighed 1 pound 10 ounces. He is now 26 years old and married. I know they are able to take even better care of premies these days. I also have twin nieces born at 25 weeks last February. They both came home this week.
        Hugs to you and your family



          But you got to give it to medicine. Thankfully (and hopefully) both will be fine and home soon.

          Sending healing vibes their way!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Praying they both recover swiftly and fully. What a rough time for that family!


          I will definitely keep them in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they both do well.


            My thoughts are with them.


            My thoughts are with them as well! They take really good care of preemies these days, so hopefully Mallory will turn out great!


            I can’t see your pictures eagle, but Blessings to both of them. I will keep them in my thoughts. Medical science has come a long way, and preemies do so much better nowadays.


            khat7 wrote:

            You definitely have my prayers. I’m glad that Carol is already doing better. I will pray extra hard for little Mallory. I can relate on a personal level here.
            My oldest son was born at 27 weeks. He weighed 1 pound 10 ounces. He is now 26 years old and married. I know they are able to take even better care of premies these days. I also have twin nieces born at 25 weeks last February. They both came home this week.
            Hugs to you and your family

            I am glad they came home this week! This has made me more optomistic! I am really worried, but I am trying to believe that the best outcome will occur. It does make me realize how blessed I am so far. I still can’t believe how small she is!

            Thanks for all of your prayers and warm wishes, and PT thank you for lighting those candles for Carol and little Mallory!

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