Male Dragon Amethyst -In store now!

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    Kujacker wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    The color is itself is quite lovely, I think, especially with the blue crest. But the combinations of “purple” and “dragon” is to me too… cliché and frivolous, somehow.
    *don’t yell at me, purple lovers…*

    Not sure how purple dragons are a cliche? Green, red and black dragons are all cliches. I can honestly say I’ve never seen a purple dragon in the media or whatever. It’s always the above. Always.
    In the same respect, I could say making a red, green or black dragon is frivolous because they are everywhere and the “stereotype” of dragons. However, black gold was my only windstone dragon color love… now these purples join the ranks.

    In that sense, any solid color is cliché, yes. But since one finds very little purple on real animals, it places the dragon even more into the fantasy realm than another color that appears more commonly in real life. To me, solid purple dragons go into the same category as rainbow-maned unicorns and sparkledogs. Nam’s purple creations, on the other hand, could very well be a natural coloring.
    In the end, it’s a question of how “realistic” a fantasy creature should look anyway… 😛


    Mine came today! and the blue isn’t as bright as it is in the pictures. Actually it looks more purple than blue. I will try and post pictures of him soon. He is stunning! I think I am going try to collect every dragon in this color 😀


      I’m actually glad to hear that the blue photographed a little “blue-er” than it is in real life. I didn’t dislike it, but it was a surprise ^_^ Not like I got one or anything though!

      Yay for pics!


        I like the fledglies–I think they have the sweetest look on their face! I have one in black gold (new here and just getting started) and missed the amethyst. When they get more of the fledglies in amethyst, I hope to get one! Would mind having these babies in all colors but then it’s fun to hunt for them! 🙂


          I’m so impatient! I want him now!! 😆


            Hehe me too.


            The money order was mailed today, so I know it will be a bit before I get mine! I can’t wait either!
            I really liked the amount of blue that the picture showed, so I hope it still has a nice contrast to it. 🙂
            Squeee!!! My first dragon!!!!


              Griffinlover wrote:

              Mine came today! and the blue isn’t as bright as it is in the pictures. Actually it looks more purple than blue. I will try and post pictures of him soon. He is stunning! I think I am going try to collect every dragon in this color 😀

              Where are the pix? You are a terrible tease! 😛 😉


                The picture in the store made my head hurt a little. I think the colors look to clashy (if that is a word) to me. I’d love to see someone else’s pics though. 🙂


                Yes, pics please, fellow collectors!


                  Yes, maybe pics would change my mind about the color to.


                    I would post mine, but I am short a dragon! so impatient… I want mine NOW! 😆



                        Great pix, kuj! I love the color. I think you just convinced me to try for a fledgie. 😀


                          Me thinks I’m liking this color a bit more 😀 . I may get the Male after all – provided they make more 😀 .

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