Make me an offer!!

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  • #713021

    added bg coiled mother dragon.


    Hey did the money order work this time? And if so, when can I expect you to ship?


    Yep, I sent it last week. I sent you a pm, did you not get it? o.o;


    What can I do to get these sold faster? 😳


    I might be willing to sell my emerald scratcher… not sure yet. I really don’t want to, but… I might not have a choice. 😥


      🙁 . I know he’s one of your favorites. But at least you know if you do have to sell him to anyone in the forum, he’ll be going to a good home where he’d be appreciated.


      That’s true…

      I need to sell these like, yesterday, so make a fair offer and I might accept…

      Fritochick (Mary)

        I PM’d you


        So sorry I can’t help you out, PaperCut. Best of luck anyway. 🙁

        Fritochick (Mary)

          Hey tried to PM twice-got no response. Sorry bought my piece somewhere else. Sorry


            Fritochick wrote:

            Hey tried to PM twice-got no response. Sorry bought my piece somewhere else. Sorry

            Paper doesn’t really get a chance to check messages every day…

            one thing you will have to learn on the forum is patience…a lot of people here just can’t be on very often..

            but again if you find a good deal you have to go for it…

            I wish I had some money.. cause I’d make an offer on a few things..

            Fritochick (Mary)

              I understand about patience but, If I don’t make a move I could loose the one while waiting for a reaponse. I would really like to help out but–how long do I wait and take a chance on loosing the other one.


              I only got one pm?

              Yeah sorry I can’t get on to check every day. ^^; pm’ed you back though.


              okay small update – we put our other house up for sale but god only knows how long it’ll take to sell. The banks won’t work with us at ALL so we may still end up losing this one, if not both of them. x.x My mother got a job working at a daycare for $7 an hour, but she HATES it there, they lie to her and say she worked less hours than she did x.x so she’s probably going to quit… it’s not really helping anyways, ugh.

              So.. yeah. we’re still pretty much screwed. *sigh*

              sorry for any typos… I’m so nervous I’m shaking. 😯


                *hugs*! I really hope things work out.

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