Thanks again, everyone. Dante says thank you, too. She’s doing a little better today. So am I, I think.
Siberakh, I’m sure another piggy will manage to win my heart someday. That’s what happened with Dante. She was in a dirty tank all by herself at an absolutely filthy G&M pet store, came over to lick my fingers, and I couldn’t leave without her. Virgil came in two months later to keep Dante company. Maybe I’ll let the animal rescue know I could take in a female Guinea if they ever get one. Then Dante won’t be lonely and we’ll have helped a pig in need.
I’m sorry about Nori and Twee, too 🙁 Some of the little guys do manage to live a pretty long time… gives you plenty of happy memories before they go. Rodney, my last little fella, lived almost a full eight years! It’s nice to hear she gave Garfunkel a loving home. That’s a very cute name, too.