Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12

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      Lokie wrote:

      siberakh1 wrote:

      kinda like the unicorn sculpture I did in high school (the mane and tail were made from human hair I got at the barber shop!). It was for an art contest. 🙂 This thing is huge! It’s about the size of a newborn foal (he’s upstairs is in the storage room!).

      Do you have a photo of it?

      I’ll have to get one of it! I don’t think I have a digital image of him.


        siberakh1 wrote:

        Lokie wrote:

        siberakh1 wrote:

        kinda like the unicorn sculpture I did in high school (the mane and tail were made from human hair I got at the barber shop!). It was for an art contest. 🙂 This thing is huge! It’s about the size of a newborn foal (he’s upstairs is in the storage room!).

        Do you have a photo of it?

        I’ll have to get one of it! I don’t think I have a digital image of him.
        Oh, I’d love to see it! =]

        And on a different note, the first quote is white. And I just looked back and another one is as well. Did I break something? Or is it suppose to be that way after so many quotes in a single post :shrug: No more endless quote chains? :scratch:


        I love the deep liver chesnut color you used on this unicorn. Very pretty.


          Thank you =]


          For those that were interested, my kitty Callie has come back from the vet with a clean bill of health! Her liver levels are all in the beautiful ‘normal’ range!

          *grabs unicorn and makes a run for it*


          Congrats to you and Callie–that’s wonderful! 😀


          That really is a handsome unicorn, Lokie! 🙂 I love the way you matched the beads in the mane to the eyes: the colors really pop. The magpie in me is dancing around from claw to claw. And the colors of the coat and mane look really three-dimensional. Drafter markings! I love big shaggy draft horses. 😀


            Thank you =]


            A bit late, but I just wanted to say your new siggie is amusing, Lokie. 😀


              Can someone please help me identify this horse:

              I’ve had this photo on my computer for quite some time, so I don’t remember google keywords I used to find it (it’s not my horse) 😳 If someone can help me with the coat color and how this horse would be classified, I’d much appreciate it. Thanks 😀

              Ha ha, thanks GB!


              well. color-wise I would say it’s yellow dun. Note the body-color hairs at the top of the tail and it looks like in the mane, also. There is also primitive barring on the legs. Pinto pattern, tobiano. You don’t have a pic of the other side, I’m guessing. All the little spots on the legs are often called “cat tracks” and it’s a good indication of tobiano

              hah! I actually found the horse ! 😀

              http://www.spottedfawnpaints.com/MaresAPHA.asp Look for Tons of Freckles


                definately a paint, That one little spot on her whithers is just wide enough to concider her to have color, otherwise she’d just be breeding stock. I’d have said buckskin/paint, but you can’t register buckskin and paint/pinto ( can’t have 2 color breed registrys) unless breeding stock (no color, tobiano, overo, etc), then you can register Buckskin/palomino/breeding stock paint/pinto 😳

                My Junior, was paint/arabian cross. page 2

                triple registered. breedingstock pinto (PTHA doesn’t reconize arabians), 1/2 arab, Buckskin registrys.


                  Thank you for the information, ladies! 😀 Thank you for the link, mikki! And 2Huberts, such a beautiful pony! 🙂 I’m still learning about the different coat colors and markings and what can have what. I’m getting there, slowly 😀


                    In-progress shot of a PYO wolf I’m doing. Still needs grey added (trying to incorporate it without it looking funny will be challenging), his face finished, antiquing, and the wings painted.

                    Although these aren’t my sole references, I has aiming for darker wolves like this one and this one. When it’s antiqued, it’ll be much darker. His wings will be painted like this; has both the greys and browns to tie it all together.


                      I love him so far…

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